Damon Day

Vet , (CC Sudbury )

CTT Number: 1473

Member since: 21 Mar 16


Upcoming Events




Personal Bests


Date Event Machine Course Distance Club Position Machine Position Result Speed
28-05-2017 ecca (ecca scratch championship)(150 machines 2 events)(ecca clubs only) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 37 37 00:55:57 26.81 Mph
13-05-2017 ecca (2 events - 90 machines)(ecca clubs only) TT Bike E2/50C 50 Miles 21 21 1:50:56 27.043 Mph
29-04-2017 cambridge cc TT Bike F2/10D 10 Miles 21 21 00:21:21 28.103 Mph
15-04-2017 vtta (east anglia) TT Bike E33/25 25 Miles 7 7 00:59:20 25.281 Mph
08-04-2017 kings lynn cc TT Bike B25/33 25 Miles 8 8 00:58:15 25.751 Mph
25-03-2017 plomesgate cc TT Bike B10/9 10 Miles DNS DNS
04-03-2017 cc breckland TT Bike B10/19 10 Miles 16 16 00:23:00 26.086 Mph
24-09-2016 VTTA (Pref to East Anglian Vets) TT Bike E2/10 10 Miles 17 17 00:20:42 28.985 Mph
17-09-2016 ecca (150 solos)(pref to slowest riders)(ECCA Clubs only) TT Bike E2/10 10 Miles 18 18 00:20:46 28.892 Mph
10-09-2016 vtta (pref to east anglian vets) TT Bike E2/10 10 Miles DNS DNS
03-09-2016 team velovelocity (entries close 20/08/2016) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 42 42 00:54:18 27.625 Mph
29-08-2016 vc norwich TT Bike B10/3B 10 Miles 13 13 00:20:55 28.685 Mph
06-08-2016 kings lynn cc TT Bike B25/33 25 Miles DNS DNS
31-07-2016 vtta (pref to east anglian vets)(solo) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 22 22 00:54:23 27.582 Mph
09-07-2016 vtta (pref to east anglian vets)(entries close 21/06/2016) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 13 13 00:55:44 26.914 Mph
02-07-2016 norwich abc TT Bike B10/43 10 Miles 10 10 00:21:58 27.313 Mph
25-06-2016 api - metrow (cheques to c worsford) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 30 30 00:52:03 28.818 Mph
11-06-2016 vtta (pref to east anglian vets) (entries close 24/05/2016) TT Bike E2/50C 50 Miles 24 24 1:52:31 26.663 Mph
29-05-2016 ecca (ecca scratch championship - men & women)(150 machines 2 events)(ECCA Clubs only) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 31 31 00:54:46 27.389 Mph
19-09-2015 ECCA (Pref to slowest riders)(150 Solos + 30 Tandems) TT Bike E2/10 10 Miles 20 20 00:20:39 29.055 Mph
05-09-2015 Team Velovelocity TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 35 35 00:53:32 28.02 Mph
09-08-2015 VTTA (Pref to East Anglia Vets members) TT Bike E2/25 25 Miles 15 15 00:53:36 27.985 Mph
22-06-2014 ECCA 100 TT Bike E2/100 100 Miles 37 37 4:08:48 24.116 Mph