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1. Observance of Regulations & Behaviour
(a) Competitors, officials, helpers or members of affiliated clubs shall not act or behave in a manner such as to give offence to the public interest or such as to bring the sport into disrepute.
(b) The onus of ensuring the observance of Regulations governing the promotion and conduct of events shall be upon the promoting body. Any member of an affiliated club procuring or assisting in procuring a breach of the Company's Rules and Regulations shall be deemed to have committed a breach of such Rules and Regulations, and shall be liable to disciplinary action.
(c) When a rider is suspended from competition such rider may not compete in any event held under the jurisdiction of the Company during the period of suspension.
(d) A rider who knowingly competes with, paces or is paced by another rider who is suspended from competition shall themself be guilty of a breach of Regulations and liable to disciplinary action.
2. Powers of the Board
The Board shall:
(a) have the power to grant exemption from the operation of such of these Regulations and/or make such additional Regulations as it thinks fit in respect of:
(i) time trials in stage races
(ii) selection and international events
(iii) cycling festivals of not fewer than five days and similar events
(iv) course design
(b) not exercise the powers conferred herein without first obtaining the views of the appropriate District Committee(s) on the proposed exemption(s).
3. Definition of Events
An “Event” under the Company’s Regulations is a cycle time trial between riders:
(a) on the open road where the starting interval is not less than one minute unless police permission is given for 30 second intervals;
(b) on a road closed to all other traffic where the starting interval can be 30 seconds;
and in both cases the maximum scheduled interval shall be no greater than 30 minutes.
Event types are:
"Type A"
"Open " - entry open to first claim members of any affiliated club. Entry may only be restricted by gender or by type of machine.
"Semi-open" - entry further restricted by specified criteria, e.g. age, previous performance, residential area, club membership.
"Association Event"- entry restricted to all who qualify by membership of that Association.
"Type B"
"Club Event" - entry restricted to members of the promoting club and their guest riders.
"Inter-Club Event" - entry restricted to members of named affiliated clubs.
"Combined Clubs" - a co-ordinated series of club events run consecutively within one overall promotion.
"Special Event" - an event approved by the Board, in consultation with the District Council(s), organised by an individual or organisation not eligible for membership of the Company. Application for approval must be at least three months prior to the proposed event date.
* A guest rider need not be a member of an affiliated club.
4. Approval of Events
Each District Committee shall call a meeting no later than October each year to allocate dates for Type A events to be held in its area during the ensuing year. Each District Committee shall have power to allocate or refuse a course, date or time for any event. Clubs wishing to promote an event must apply to the Secretary of the District in which the event starts, by the date specified. Where an event enters any other District(s) application must also be made to the Secretary of these District(s). For Type A events, the dates allocated by the District Council shall be forwarded to the National Secretary in the approved form by the District Secretary not later than 25th October.
Notwithstanding the above, Districts may approve a new date for an event that has been postponed during the year.
The National Secretary shall compile a list of Type A events which, subject to the approval of the Board, shall be published in the handbook.
Not later than 28th February each District shall make provision for the approval of Type B events.
Subsequent additions may be made to Type B events with the District Committee's approval.
Except in 12 hour events, no event shall be approved where a rider shall be started before the official time of sunrise nor shall any rider be started after a time when they cannot reasonably be expected to finish before the official time of sunset.
It is an offence to promote an event that has not been approved by the appropriate District Committee(s). The course, date or time of start shall not be altered without the consent of the District Committee(s) except in the interests of safety.
5. Changes and Cancellations to Type A Events
Amendments or additions to the list of events in the handbook may be made subject to the approval of the District Committee and the Board. Subject to Regulation 4, after 31st March there shall be no changes to BBAR or National Championship events.
Should an event be postponed in accordance with Regulation 4, a competitor listed on the start sheet for the original event may withdraw their entry. The event secretary shall have the discretion to accept additional entries and/or to reset the field. Entrants who withdraw have no right to a full refund, but the event secretary may determine a partial refund if appropriate. Levies are payable in respect of the original number of competitors plus all new entrants who are accepted to ride, less those who have withdrawn. Entrants to the original event shall have preference over new entrants. Entrants to the postponed event shall be accepted on the basis of performance. Any special conditions applying to the original event shall be retained. Times recorded in the postponed event shall be valid for all purposes.
A promoting club wishing to cancel an event prior to the day of the promotion shall consult either with the Secretary, Open Events Secretary or Chair of the controlling District Council before implementation of the cancellation, submitting full details and reasons for the proposed cancellation.
The Secretary, Open Events Secretary or Chair of the controlling District Council shall consider all relevant matters before deciding whether a cancellation shall be valid.
Where cancellation is due to emergency action on the day of the event, details and reasons for this shall be notified to the District Secretary.
Where a Club cancels an event, other than due to an emergency on the day, without prior consultation at the earliest opportunity, with the Secretary, Open Events Secretary or Chair of the controlling District Council, it will be considered a breach of this regulation.
Where it is not possible for a club to promote an approved event, the District Committee may authorise the running of that event by another club.
6. Private Time Trials
A private time trial is a ride in an authorised Club, Inter-club or Combined Clubs event where the rider does not qualify to ride. These riders may only compete at the promoter's discretion and shall not be eligible for any awards.
7. Who may compete
Competitors in Type A events must be either:
(a) members of clubs directly affiliated to the Company* or of the Headquarters' Club; or
(b) schools' representatives when riding in Youth Championship events; or
(c) members of overseas clubs or trade teams affiliated through their National Governing Body or Federation to the Union Cycliste Internationale (U.C.I.).
Members of such clubs or trade teams may compete as a member of a national or regional representative team. All overseas riders must present their current racing licence or membership card to the designated official prior to starting.
The minimum age for competitors when competing on a solo machine in events on the public highway is 12 years.*
* Competitors under 12 may compete in events that are held on closed roads or off the public highway (parks, motor racing circuits etc.)
8. Club Membership
A rider may only be a first claim member of one club or a member of a trade team and must enter Open and Semi-open events in the name of that club or that trade team. A rider who changes their club or trade team after the closing date for entries must ride in the name of the new club or new trade team but is not eligible for any team award. A rider may only change their first claim club or trade team once in any calendar year.
Competitors in Youth Championship events may enter in the name of their school or first claim club.
9. Categories
Youth: until their 16th birthday. (N.B. a Juvenile may compete as a Junior)
Junior: from their 16th birthday and until 31st December of the year in which their 18th birthday occurs
Espoir: from 1st January of the year following their 18th birthday and until 31st December of the year in which their 22nd birthday occurs
Veteran: forty years of age and over on the day of the event
Para-cyclist: any athlete who satisfies the minimum disability requirements specified by the Union Cycliste Internationale. Classes of disability shall be such categories as determined by British Cycling from time to time.
10. Gender Categories
Regulation 10 as amended on 14 June 2023 and further amended on 2 December 2023
The Board shall have power to amend the policy of the Company set out in the table below and to fix a date when such amended policy will come into effect, which may be immediate. The Board will notify District Secretaries within 7 days of any such Board resolution and publicise any such amended policy on its website as soon as possible after the passing of any such amendment by the Board. This power is subject to the Members Reserve Power in Article 34 of the Articles of Association (special resolution of the Company to direct the Board to take, or refrain from taking, specific action).
The following table applies to transgender persons, that means all persons who wish to compete in a gender other than was assigned to them at birth.
Affirmed Gender |
Policy applies to |
Policy |
Male |
A transgender male (female to male) |
May compete in the Open Category |
Female |
A transgender female (male to female) |
Must compete in the Open Category. |
Non-Binary |
A person who asserts they are neither male nor female. |
Must compete in the Open Category. |
All such persons should seek permission before competing in their affirmed gender from a body created by the Board to decide all gender eligibility issues (hereafter “the Gender Tribunal”). Subject to its terms of Reference that body will have power to permit or refuse a request to compete in their affirmed gender and amend any result recorded on CTT’s database. All information supplied for that purpose will be treated as confidential. The person seeking such permission will have the right to appeal to an Appeal Committee of CTT who will also treat all information provided as confidential. The Gender Tribunal appointed by CTT’s Board to take such decisions will also determine any objections raised by another person, whether a race official or rider as to the gender of a rider in an event. Any personal information received for that purpose shall be treated as confidential. The person who raised an objection or was the subject of that objection shall also have the right of appeal to an Appeal Committee who shall likewise treat any personal information in the same way.
The intention of the policy is to permit only persons to compete as female who satisfy all these three requirements; they must have been assigned the sex female at birth, they must never have gone through any part of male puberty and they must not have had a testosterone result in serum above 2.5 nmol/L level before competing even if they satisfy the other two requirements.
The terms of reference of the Gender Tribunal shall be decided by the Board and the members of the Tribunal shall be appointed by the Chair of CTT and approved by the Board. The Gender Tribunal shall have power to waive the first requirement (assigned the sex female at birth) if satisfied there was a mistake in the assignment of sex at birth but not the second or third requirements.
All competitors shall be under an obligation to answer questions relating to gender on the CTT website or when entering an event by any means (such answers will determine whether a rider is assigned to the Open or Female Class) accurately and truthfully. Breach of this obligation will be a disciplinary offence under the Rules of CTT albeit that any allegation of breach relating to gender declarations will not be dealt with by an organiser or District but by the Gender Tribunal created under this Regulation which shall treat all information as confidential. Any person disciplined by the Gender Tribunal shall have the right to an appeal to a CTT Appeal Committee.
From 2 January 2024 CTT will no longer supply the declared gender of riders to organisers only the class (Open or Female) in which they are permitted to ride. Organisers must adopt the same classifications as notified by CTT. In the case of Type B/Club events an organiser must accept the declaration as to class as given by the rider and report any concerns to the CTT Gender Tribunal by notification to gendersupport@cyclingtimetrials.org.uk.
11. Entry to Events
(a) Type A events: A competitor must enter the event by using the appropriate entry form (see Note 1) together with the correct entry fee. Any omission or inaccuracy may constitute a breach of Regulations.
The following information must be given:
(i) type of machine (e.g. bicycle, tricycle or tandem), which must be ridden on the day except as provided for in the Regulation governing tandems.
(ii) performances relative to that machine. N.B. Where a performance has been declared null and void it must not be included on any entry form.
(iii) partner(s), reserve(s) for tandem or team time trial events
(iv) willingness or not to be a reserve
Should a cheque or similar negotiable instrument be dishonoured, the entrant will be liable for costs incurred.
(b) Type B events: Entries shall be on:
(i) the official signing-on sheet (see Note 2); or
(ii) the appropriate entry form (see Note 1)
The promoting club shall also keep, at the event, an up-to-date written record of the address, telephone number (optional) and the Cycling Time Trials affiliated club of all participants in the event, including private time triallists.
(c) Competitors under the age of 18 years may only compete with the written consent of their parent or guardian given on the form(s) currently prescribed by the Board. A completed copy of the prescribed form(s), signed by the parent or guardian to confirm such consent, must be given to the event secretary or their representative either before or at the time of the competitor signing the signing on sheet in accordance with these Regulations.
(d) A member of an affiliated club shall not compete in an event (as defined in regulation 3):
(i) promoted by a club not affiliated to the Company; or
(ii) not approved by the appropriate District Committee.
(e) A competitor must not enter or accept an invitation to compete in more than one competitive event (see Note 3) on the same day except when:
(i) their entry or acceptance for one event has been withdrawn before the closing date for entries for that event; or
(ii) it is possible and reasonable to start and finish in both events.
(f) A competitor must not enter a type A event more than once with the aim of undertaking multiple rides within the said event.
(g) Notwithstanding the above, a competitor may apply to the National Secretary, no later than 72 hours before the event, for permission to compete in a second event:
(i) when riding for a National Team or Team of a similar standard in an international event;
(ii) at the request of the National Team Manager
Note 1: Standard entry form dated 2018 or later, or the Cycling Time Trials Internet Entry System.
Note 2: Official Signing On Sheet (2018)
Note 3: A competitive cycling event includes time trials, road races and triathlons or similar and will include all competitive cycling events held under the technical regulations of British Cycling.
12. Null & Void Performances
A ride is null and void when:
(a) an event is declared null and void; or
(b) a rider is disqualified from an event.
13. New or Improved Performances
(a) For handicap and time category events, any improvement or new performance occurring more than three days before the event must be notified in writing, by telephone, by fax, or by e-mail to the promoting secretary. This must be done within three days of the new or improved performance. Any improvement made within three clear days of the event shall be ignored, except for second or lower class events where entry is restricted by performance.
(b) Riders entered in Semi-Open events where entry is restricted to riders slower than a specified standard and who beat the standard prior to the event may ride in the event but shall not be eligible for any award except in the handicap section, if any.
14. Competitor's Machine
Every competitor must ensure that their machine is so constructed, equipped and maintained as to be capable of being ridden on the road safely at all times and in all conditions. The riding competitive position shall be set so that the vision is not compromised such that the rider cannot react safely to events that can reasonably be expected to occur during the event in question. In particular but without prejudice to the general principles of this regulation:
(a) Brake levers must be secured to the handlebars in such a position as to enable the competitor to readily apply both brakes whilst holding the handlebars at their widest point. The width of handlebars shall be no less than 35 cms.
(b) On tricycles and tandem tricycles, two brakes may operate on the front wheel but otherwise the braking systems must operate independently on both front and rear wheels.
(c) Bicycles with a fixed wheel shall have a left hand threaded locking device securing the fixed sprocket or other suitable locking device. Similarly, tricycles with a fixed wheel shall have a suitable locking device or alternatively shall include an integral system as part of the design. Machines with fixed wheel require only a brake operating on the front wheel(s).
(d) Machines fitted with triathlon handlebars and derivations thereof which have forearm supports, or Spinacci type handlebars without forearm supports, may be used provided that when the rider adopts a competitive position on these bars:
(i) The wrists are no lower than the elbows.
(ii) The height from the ground to the forearm resting position is no less than 80% of the height of the saddle from the ground.
(e) Tyres shall be in good condition and tubular tyres shall be securely attached to the rims.
(f) Disc wheels or spoked wheels fitted with covers may be used only on the rear of a machine.
(g) Deep section rims, tri-spoke and wheels of a similar design may be used. The front wheel must have at least 45% of the surface area open.
(h) The use of recumbent machines, protective shields or windbreaks is prohibited.
(i) The use of machines containing additional power sources for propulsion (electric, electronic, mechanical or otherwise) is prohibited.
(j) No competitor shall be permitted to start either a Type A or Type B event unless such competitor has affixed to the rear of their machine a working rear red light, either flashing or constant, that is illuminated and in a position that is clearly visible to other road users.
(k) No competitor shall be permitted to start either a Type A or Type B event unless such competitor has affixed to the front of their machine a working front white light, either flashing or constant, that is illuminated and in a position that is clearly visible to other road users.
N.B. The Board considers that use of the so called “tuck” and “superman” positions would be a breach of the opening paragraph of this Regulation and that such use is not in the best interests of the safety of riders or the welfare of the sport.
N.B. Para-cyclists who are unable to ride a machine that complies with this regulation shall apply to Board for dispensation.
15. Protective Helmets
All competitors must wear a properly affixed helmet which must be of hard/soft shell construction. Helmets should conform to a recognised Standard such as SNELL B95, ANSI Z90.4, AUS/NZS 2063:96, DIN 33-954, CPSC or EN 1078. It is the responsibility of the rider to:
(a) Select a helmet that offers protection against head injury and does not restrict the rider's vision or hearing.
(b) Ensure that the helmet is properly fitted, is undamaged and in good condition.
(i) Any helmet which suffers damage (e.g. in the case of an accident or through mishandling) may no longer afford the same level of protection.
(ii) Cycling Time Trials makes no warranties or representations regarding the adequacy of any standard or the fitness for the purpose of any brand of helmet and will not accept any claims arising from the use of any particular helmet.
(iii) The current British Standard BS 6863 is primarily intended for use by young riders and is not intended to provide a complete specification for helmets for high speed or long distance riding.
16. Competitor's Clothing
Competitors in Type A and Type B events should wear appropriate Cycling Clothing, ranging from separate shorts/tops, skinsuits and tri-suits. Swimming type suits and running vests are not allowed. To be allowed to start all clothing shall be clean and tidy.
No competitor may carry advertising or the name of a commercial business on their race clothing except:
(a) where a competitor is a member of a club or team that has paid the advertising fee, they may carry advertising, but must not compete in clothing of a trade team that is/has been registered with the UCI unless they are a member of that team; or
(b) when competing in club events. (N.B. The inclusion of a manufacturer's logo shall be permitted).
(c) A competitor may not compete with items such as padding or fairings inside their clothing (skinsuit, socks, overshoes etc.) in order to significantly change the shape of their body. (N.B. The use of base/under layers and hydration bladders such as Camelbak are authorised (providing the hydration bladder is used for the purpose of hydration) but no rigid bottle can be used.
Competitors on solo machines must prominently display a number on a fluorescent or reflective background of not less than 20x20cm. The number shall be centrally positioned below the waist so as to be clearly visible from the rear when in their normal riding position. Position number as shown below:
N.B. If the rider's top covers their shorts, the number should be placed in a position equivalent to that described.
In tandem events each tandem shall be allocated one number which shall be worn by the rear rider as described above. The use of additional numbers shall be at the discretion of the promoter. Competitors must give their number verbally when called upon to do so by an official of the promoting organisation.
17. Signing-on Sheet and Signing-out Sheet
(a) The competitors in all types of events must make themselves aware of any special safety instructions for the event and sign the official signing-on sheet when collecting their number.
(b) In Type A events a competitor must return to the event HQ either during the event or within a reasonable time after the last rider has finished the event and must (i) return their race number(s); and (ii) sign the official signing-out sheet. A rider who fails to so sign the official signing-out sheet shall be recorded as DNF.
N.B. Extenuating circumstances may be considered.
18. Covering the Course
The onus of keeping to the course rests with each rider.
In fixed time events the chief marshal may adjust the number of fixed distance circuits or sections individual competitors cover*. A competitor who fails to complete the entire published course (or such course as directed by the chief marshal) before the finishing circuit is reached shall be recorded as DNF.
When dismounted a competitor must wheel or carry their machine without assistance whilst covering any portion of the course.
*N.B. In exceptional circumstances the chief marshal may adjust the number of circuits a competitor is required to cover (e.g. if such competitor is well ahead or well behind the field) prior to that competitor arriving at the finishing circuit).
19. Awareness of Surroundings
(a) Competitors must not use ANY audio equipment except prescribed hearing aids.
(b) Where head and/or eye protection is used, competitors must ensure that this does not impair their vision or hearing.
N.B. A competitor in breach of this regulation shall be disqualified.
N.B. Competitors must not use a mobile phone while mounted on their machine.
20. Observance of the Law
All competitors in, or in the vicinity of the event, must observe the law of the land relating to road use. In particular, but without prejudice to the general principles of this Regulation, competitors must:
(a) not ride in a manner that is unsafe either to themselves or to other road users;
(b) ride on the left-hand side of the road except for safe overtaking and when making right hand turns;
(c) conform to all traffic signs, signals and direction indicators;
(d) in making any turn before, during or after the event, ensure that it is safe to do so.
Event officials must not seek to regulate or interfere with other traffic.
Note: Where there has been an accident as a result of a competitor's contravention of (a) above the competitor shall normally be subjected to a minimum effective period of suspension of six competitive months for a first offence and twelve months for a second offence.
N.B. For the purposes of Regulation 20(b):
(i) in the case of a single carriageway road, a competitor must ride on the left hand side of the left lane of such carriageway; and
(ii) in the case of a carriageway comprising two or more lanes in the same direction of travel, a competitor must ride on the left hand side of the left lane of such carriageway.
21. Paced & Company Riding
Competitors must ride entirely alone and unassisted and not ride in company or take shelter (commonly known as drafting) from other riders or vehicles. A competitor overtaking another must pass without receiving or giving shelter. The onus of avoiding company riding shall be upon the rider overtaken.
N.B. Competitors must ride entirely alone and unassisted and not ride in company or take shelter (commonly known as drafting) from another rider or vehicles.
If you should catch up another rider you should try to pass as quickly as possible and must not in any other circumstances ride close behind so that you take shelter from the wind.
You must set your own pace and not use another rider as a pace maker. The onus on avoiding company riding shall be on the rider overtaken.
Nor is it in order to ride alongside and even to ride a few metres behind for any appreciable distance. In the spirit of the sport, caught riders should not disturb the performance of the rider catching them by repassing and/or riding closely behind them, except when they can sustain that move. This is generally considered to mean that the caught rider should allow a reasonable gap to develop of some 30 to 50 yards/metres.
22. Use of Motor Vehicles
(a) A competitor shall not be preceded, accompanied, followed by or in anyway receive assistance from a motorised vehicle or its occupants, except in events at distances of 100km or more to assist with a competitor's reasonable feeding and other requirements.
(b) In International selection events the Board may authorise motorised vehicles for the observance of a competitor(s).
(c) Where vehicles are to be authorised a full description of the vehicle and registration number shall be given to the event promoter prior to the start of the competitor. A competitor shall not be overtaken by their support vehicle more frequently than once every 10 miles. Where possible the vehicle must be driven at normal traffic speed and must not follow the competitor, nor impede or annoy other competitors. Any competitor whose authorised vehicle impedes or causes annoyance to any other competitor shall be liable to disqualification from the event. Where any other vehicle precedes or follows for any length of time, or frequently passes a competitor, that vehicle shall be deemed to be associated with that competitor who shall be liable to disqualification from the event.
23. Feeding
Competitors may only be handed food, drink or equipment from a helper who is on foot.
The use of breakable vessels is prohibited.
Every precaution must be taken to ensure that other traffic is not impeded.
24. Disease, Disability and Medical Treatment
No person may compete whilst knowingly suffering from any disease, mental or physical disorder or is undergoing medical treatment which makes it unsafe or undesirable to do so.
25. Use of Proscribed Substances
The anti-doping rules of Cycling Time Trials are the UK Anti-Doping Rules published by UK Anti-Doping (or its successor), as amended from time to time. Such rules shall take effect and be construed as the rules of Cycling Time Trials.
Any person whom at an anti-doping control at an Event (as defined in CTT regulation 3) has provided a sample that subsequently returned an adverse analytical finding that results in a sanction that such person is ineligible for competition for a period of time, shall pay a fine to Cycling Time Trials of £1000. Any such person shall not be eligible to compete in any Event (as defined in CTT regulation 3) until such time as such fine has been paid.”
Note: You can find the UK Anti-Doping Rules at www.ukad.org.uk/resources/document/uk-anti-doping-rules
26. Limitation of Entries
Advisory note: During 2023 a Guaranteed Entry scheme will become available: 'Except for RTTC Championships where selection is solely based on fastest performanace at this distance during the current and past three seasons, selection by Guaranteed Entry (GE) is permissable providing that:
(i) The entry fee is non-refunable except in the case of an event not taking place
(ii) The number of entries thus accepted does not exceed 30
(iii) Guaranteed Entries will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Entries not meeting the above criteria will join all other entries and be selected by fastest perfromance at th relevant distance during the current and past three seasons at the Closing Date for entries. If the event is oversubscribed at the Closing Date (after all Guaranteed Entries have been included) selection will be by fastest performance at the relevant distance during the current and past three seasons: other excess entries shall be made at the Organiser's absolute discretion once all entries with a qualifying performance are included.
Organisers promoting events accepting Guaranteed Entry will be shown GE in the CTT handbook and on the CTT Website."
Unless otherwise declared in writing to the District Council, when applying for the event*, selection of riders shall be on the fastest performance recorded during the current and past three years at the relevant distance. Selection by "first entries received" is not permissible. If there is no performance at the relevant distance and the event is oversubscribed, selection shall be at the organiser’s absolute discretion after accepting all riders with a qualifying performance first.
In cases of excess entries, a rider must be informed as soon as it is apparent their entry is not to be accepted.
(a) Events are limited to 120 riders, subject to the following:
(i) With the prior approval of the District Committee, 150 riders may be permitted in both Type A and Type B Events.
(ii) Promoters may nominate reserve riders under the conditions of the Reserve Rider Scheme as laid down by the Board.
(iii) All qualifiers shall be accepted in the Youth Championship Final.
(iv) Up to 40 teams may be accepted in four-up Team Time Trials.
(b) In events counting towards the RTTC Women's Best All Rounder Competition, 25% of the places and 25% of the reserve places must be reserved for women. Where there are more women entrants than allotted spaces, selection shall be on fastest performance as above.
(c) Where events are marked with a "T" in the handbook, tricyclists shall be given priority for at least 5% of the maximum permitted entry.
(d) (i) In all mixed events that do not have special conditions relating to entry levels, 25% of all places and 25% of reserve places must be reserved for women. Where there are more women entrants than allotted spaces, selection shall be on fastest performance as above. Where there are fewer women than this, men may fill the spaces.
(ii) In all mixed events that DO have special conditions, sub-paragraph (i) above shall apply to the extent that (a) for those entrants who satisfy the special condition, 25% of all places and 25% of reserve places must be reserved for women; and (b) should there be any places available for entrants who do not satisfy the special condition, 25% of all places and 25% of reserve places must be reserved for women, irrespective of how many places have been allocated to women entrants in accordance with (a) above.
In both cases (a) and (b), where there are more women entrants than allotted spaces, selection shall be on fastest performance. Where there are fewer women than this, men may fill the spaces.
(e) In all events (with the exception of RTTC National Championships) that do not have special conditions relating to entry levels 5% of places must be reserved for para-cyclists.
* Such events shall be identified as having special conditions of entry.
The Reserve Rider Scheme Conditions are as follows:
1. National Championships (except the Youth 10 mile) and Type A events that receive more than the permitted number of entries may include up to a maximum of 15 reserve riders or five teams for Team Time Trials at the promoter’s discretion selected from the eligible entrants who have indicated their willingness to be reserves. In accordance with Regulations 26(b) and (d), 25% of reserve places MUST be reserved for women.
In the case of team time trials (to include “2 up” team time trials), should a complete team (not being a reserve team) not have signed on prior to the event, a complete reserve team shall have priority over any such incomplete team.
2. Competitors must have indicated on their entry form their willingness to be listed as a reserve.
3. The names and clubs of all the reserves MUST appear on the start sheet.
4. Each reserve rider will be given a number on the start sheet and will compete wearing that number if a ride is available. This number must not be a duplicate of any number in the main field (a different colour is not enough of a difference). For example, for a 120 rider field, then numbers 121 to 130 can be used.
5. If a woman rider does not start the event that rider’s place should be allocated to a woman reserve. If there are no women reserves to place then a man can take that place.
6. Riders who know that they will not be starting should inform the promoter as soon as possible so that the ride may be allocated to a reserve. Event promoters should inform reserve riders before the event that they have a ride, and allocate them a starting time.
7. The event organiser MUST appoint a steward to organise the reserve riders unless they have all been allocated a start time before the day of the event.
8. The event organiser or appointed steward should inform the timekeepers of the reserves allocated a start and what number they will start at. Pre-allocated reserves should be informed before the event starts.
9. A reserve rider WILL take priority over a rider reporting for a late start.
10. Reserve riders will start at the position of the rider they are replacing but with their allocated number.
11. Reserve riders who compete in the event will be eligible for prizes. Times recorded by reserves are valid for all purposes.
12. Any reserves that turn up on the day, and fail to get a ride, will have their FULL ENTRY FEE reimbursed by the promoting club/organisation.
13. The promoting club will NOT pay levies for reserve riders.
27. Duties of Event Secretaries
(a) Literature
All official literature for an event (invitations, prior notices, circulars, entry forms, route cards, start and result sheets) must state that it is being held "For and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under its Rules & Regulations".
(b) Event Notification
Not less than six weeks before the event, a completed Police Notification Form shall be sent to:
(i) the Chief Constable(s) of each Police Authority; and
(ii) to the Secretary of each District into which the event passes.
(c) Event Officials
For all events the Event Secretary must:
(i) appoint checkers to enable the promoting club to certify that each finisher has covered the full course;
(ii) appoint marshals to indicate the direction only.
Additionally for all Type A Events the Event Secretary shall:
(iii) appoint as timekeepers for the start and finish persons who have been approved for that purpose by a District Committee;
(iv) appoint a competent person to act as a number checker for the finishing timekeeper.
(v) appoint a competent person to act as the "Start Line Official" who will "manage" the start line and assist the start timekeeper.
(d) Performance Update
Where a rider gives such information, arrangements shall be made to amend handicaps or categories if necessary. Any changes made must be notified to the rider prior to starting. No alteration shall be made after the rider has started. Riders who fail to give the required notice (Regulation 13) shall not be eligible to compete for handicap or time category awards.
(e) Start Sheets (Type A Events)
Shall list the following:
(i) that the event is being held "For and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under its Rules & Regulations"
(ii) title of the event
(iii) date of the event
(iv) name and address of the Event Secretary
(v) name(s) of approved timekeeper(s)
(vi) name (if applicable) of the approved handicapper
N.B. The Event Organiser, Timekeepers and Handicappers must be members of an affiliated club.
(vii) a full description of the course, including the course key number, with precisely stated start and finish points, turning points and intermediate distances.
(viii) details of prize awards. Unless otherwise stated:
• the fastest riders of one club (excluding Headquarters' Club members) shall be the winning team; and
• where more than one team prize is offered any one club may take all of these awards.
(ix) the numbers, names and clubs of the competitors in their starting order, with their time of start.
(x) female riders, who must be indicated by the symbol "F" in events open to both sexes.
(xi) the designated point for the completion of the signing-on sheet, receiving any further instructions and the collecting numbers.
(xii) where it is not intended to supply food or drink, in events exceeding 50 miles.
(xiii) any applicable Local Regulations.
As an alternative to the document described above, there may instead be a Start List, fulfilling items (i)-(iii), (ix) and (x) at a minimum. In addition to such a Start List, however, there must be a Cover Sheet or other document that may contain all items except (ix) and (x), must contain all those provided in the Start List and always contain (i)-(iii) regardless. In the case of co-promoted events, a single Cover Sheet document may be written to be valid for multiple Start Lists. Together, the Cover Sheet and Start List may be used for the purpose of a Start Sheet as might be required by the Rules, Regulations and procedures
Prior to the event copies of the start sheet shall be sent to the following:
• the Secretary of the District Council authorising the event
• all event officials
• every accepted entrant to the address shown on their entry form or as requested
(f) Course Inspection
It is the responsibility of the promoting club to inspect the course prior to its event and to report any changes to the course due to road repairs or alterations.
(g) Organiser's use of Motor Vehicles
Notwithstanding the Regulation on the Use of Motor Vehicles, an Event Secretary may authorise the use of motorised vehicles for the purpose of providing feeding or other general assistance to competitors.
(h) Start
(i) Provide a Signing-on Sheet (and in Type A events a Signing-Out Sheet) for all riders to sign, at the point designated on the start sheet, and issue, if necessary any further safety instructions to riders.
(ii) Subject to regulation 3 (30 second intervals), competitors shall be started at intervals of not less than one minute and having once started shall not be allowed a second start.
(iii) At the start a rider may be held by an official or, if preferred, remain stationary at the start point with one foot on the ground. Under no circumstances shall a "flying start" be allowed.
(iv) Competitors must not start earlier than their allotted time. If a competitor fails to start at their allotted time and subsequently reports to the starting timekeeper as being ready, their lateness in reporting shall constitute their penalty. They may then be started at the timekeeper's discretion but in no case less than one minute before or one minute after another competitor.
Only riders listed on the start sheet shall be allowed to compete. Save as otherwise provided, the Event Secretary shall have discretion to arrange the starting order as they wish bearing in mind the characteristics of their event and the need to avoid company riding as far as possible. It is not permissible to interpose in the starting order competitors in any other event except as provided for in the Regulation governing tandems.
(i) Finish
The event secretary must ensure that the finish is clearly indicated with a chequered flag or board.
(j) Result Sheets (Type A Events)
Shall list the following:
(i) that the event was held "For and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under its Rules & Regulations"
(ii) title of the event
(iii) date of the event
(iv) name & address of the Event Secretary
(v) name(s) of approved timekeeper(s)
(vi) name (if applicable) of the approved handicapper•
(vii) prize winners with award details. In the event of a tie the promoter shall have discretion regarding the awards to be made to tying riders but in no case shall the total prize value be reduced
(viii) the names and clubs of the competitors in order of the principal award with their times or distances
(ix) the numbers and/or names and clubs of all non-starters and non-finishers
(x) female riders, who must be indicated by the symbol "F" in events open to both sexes
(xi) Copies of the result sheet shall be sent within 28 days of the event to the following:
• the Secretary of the District Council authorising the event.
• all officials of the event.
• each accepted entrant to the address shown on their entry form or as requested.
• electronically in an appropriate format to results@cyclingtimetrials.org.uk or via th CTT "organiser's dashboard".
As an alternative the document described above, there may instead be a Result List, fulfilling items (i)-(iii) and (vii)-(x) at a minimum. In addition to such a Results List, however, there must be a Cover Sheet or other document that may contain all items except (vii)-(x), must contain all those not provided in the Result List and always contain (i)-(iii) regardless. In the case of co-promoted events, a single Cover Sheet document may be written to be valid for multiple Result Lists. Together, the Cover Sheet and Start List may be used for the purpose of a Start Sheet as might be required by the Rules, Regulations and procedures.
Where disciplinary action is pending the result sheet must be sent out no later than 14 days after the conclusion of the action, whether or not an appeal is lodged against the appropriate Committee's decision.
(k) Prize Distribution
All prizes other than certificates, medals or trophies must be presented or dispatched within 28 days unless disciplinary action is pending, when the last paragraph of Regulation 27(j) shall apply. Certificates, medals or trophies, except perpetual trophies, must be presented or dispatched to the winners within 12 months of the event.
28. Event Levies
A levy as determined by the Board, per accepted entrant, shall be paid to the Treasurer of the authorising district controlling the event. The levy shall be paid in both Type A and Type B events.
Type A Events: levies shall be forwarded within seven days of the event to the Treasurer of the authorising District together with one copy of the Start Sheet, certified by the Event Secretary. Cheques shall be payable to “Cycling Time Trials”. Levies are not payable when an event has been cancelled or abandoned without any riders starting.
Type B Events: levies shall be paid to the Treasurer of the District controlling the events, along with a copy of the Signing-on sheets, where requested by the District Committee. Levies for events held between 1 January and 31 October shall be sent no later than the 30 November following the events. Levies for events held between 1 November and 31 December shall be sent in no later than 31 January following the events.
N.B: The current levy is as follows: Type A events £5 and Type B events £3 except for entrants in events restricted to Youths and also the Youth Championship who shall pay zero levies;
Time Trial Series £10; RTTC National Championships £15.
29. Road Bike Criteria (Moved from Regulation 14, 14l - Section: Competitors)
(a) The road bike can possess drop or straight handlebars; no tri-bars, clip-on bars or Spinaci bars are allowed; no disc wheels; both front & rear wheels must have at least 12 spokes each; the maximum rim depth allowed is 90mm.
(b) Helmets used in Road Bike category events must not cover the ears or have a tear drop/pointy style "tail", any helmet vents must not be covered or blocked. The helmet must not have been altered or had any element added or removed in terms of design or form but may be used as the manufacturer intended (e.g., sliding vents). It is prohibited to add a detachable cover to a helmet. The composition of the helmet material and its surface condition are not subject to any regulations. However, additions to the helmet are not allowed (cover, tape etc.).
N.B. For competitors riding Road Bikes, competitors must predominantly ride holding the drops or brake hoods. Riders may not ride in the "Puppy Paws" Position or simulate a Tri-Bar position by resting the forearms on the handlebars
30. Tandems
(a) No Type A event may be held where tandems compete with single machines.
(b) Tandems may enter a Type A event but shall not be eligible for any prizes in the event and the time recorded shall not be used for any purpose unless the event is listed as being tandem event.
(c) In events listed as being tandem events the names of any reserves shall appear on the start sheet. An individual may be nominated both as a member of a tandem pair and a reserve for another tandem pair but shall ride only once in the event.
(d) Where only one member of a tandem pair is able to start, they may ride on a solo machine but shall not be eligible for any prizes in either the event nor any accompanying solo event and the time recorded shall not be used for any purpose.
(e) Each member of a tandem pair and each reserve rider must complete a separate entry form for the event.
(f) The steersperson on any tandem must be a person of 18 years or over.
(g) Competitors under 12 years of age may compete on the rear of a tandem.
(h) Subject to regulation 3 (30 second intervals), tandems shall be started at intervals of not less than one minute.
(i) Each tandem shall be allocated one number that shall be worn by the rear rider.
(j) In events with a full field, solo machines take priority over tandems - in which case, tandems cannot then be a reserve.
(k) In Type A events of 50 miles or over where a tandem event is held in conjunction with a solo event, but constitutes less than 10% of the total number of machines, it will be permissible to interpose tandems, within the solo event.
31. Hill Climbs
A competitor:
(a) may be held up but shall not receive a push start;
(b) may not cover any part of the course on foot;
(c) must not be accompanied by persons on foot.
32. Team Time Trials
(a) Teams shall be of two, three or four riders. Teams in an event shall be of an equal number of riders. Reserves may be nominated as follows:
Teams of two or three riders: one reserve
Teams of four riders: two reserves
The names of all reserve riders must appear on the start sheet. An individual may be nominated both as a member of one team and a reserve for another team but shall only ride in one team.
(b) Teams may consist of members of more than one club but such teams are not eligible to receive awards other than composite team awards.
(c) If a team member changes club between the date of entry and the day of the event, they shall ride in the name of their new first claim club. Such teams shall not be eligible to take an award.
(d) Teams shall start at the following intervals:
Teams of three or four riders: three minutes
Teams of two riders: two minutes
Incomplete teams may start but (except teams of three starting in an event for teams of four) shall not qualify for an award.
(e) Every rider in each team shall be responsible for their own safety and compliance with the rules of the road.
(f) No teams or members of teams shall take shelter from other vehicles or members of other teams.
(g) The normal formation of a team shall be single file with the minimum amount of echelon to allow a view ahead for each rider. In passing other teams or vehicles teams shall always be in single file.
(h) No racing shall take place between teams and/or individual riders. If one team overtakes another team the onus shall be upon the overtaken team to avoid such racing by dropping back if necessary.
(i) The finishing time for a team shall be that of the last rider in the case of teams of two and three riders and the third rider in teams of four.
(j) Only team members who start shall be eligible for awards. No special awards shall be given to an individual team member.
(k) During an event a member of a team may not join or rejoin the team unless such member has ridden all the preceding part of the course.
N.B. All riders in a team are encouraged to wear clothing of a similar colour and design.
33. Appointment of Officials
Each District Committee shall appoint and maintain annual lists of the following:
(a) Timekeepers
(b) Assistant Timekeepers
(c) Handicappers
(d) Course Measurers
Each official must be a member of an affiliated club.
A District Committee may only appoint a timekeeper or assistant timekeeper upon production of a certificate valid until the following 31st October for a timer available to them. An assistant timekeeper shall not be up-graded until they have served for at least one season.
34. Course Measurement
(a) Each District Committee shall prepare a schedule of its approved courses. Standard distance courses shall be measured and checked by appointed course measurers.
Each course measurer shall submit a written report specifying intermediate points and their distances. These shall include the start, finish and all turning points specifically defined, supported by revolution counter readings of a cycle wheel or such other means as specified by the Board from time to time. The distance shall be certified by the course measurer to be not less than that specified.
(b) Measurements shall be calculated from the recorded revolutions of a cycle wheel, the constant of which shall be determined by riding over an accurately measured standard distance of not less than half a mile, immediately prior to and after measuring the course or any part of it;
(c) Each course shall be measured from start to finish in the direction in which it is to be ridden, and along a line that a competitor would normally follow. The finishing point shall be so fixed that a rider completing the course cannot have covered less than the specified distance.
(d) Should an event be held on a standard distance course and it subsequently be found that the actual distance of such course is less than the stated distance for such course, unless a complaint in writing is received to that effect by the National Secretary (Competitions & Development) within 28 days of such event, all competitors' times recorded in that event shall be valid for all purposes (to include the BBAR) except for any claim for a competition record.
N.B. A copy of the complaint should also be sent to the relevant district secretary.
35. The Course
The straight line distance between start and finish of a course must not exceed the following:
10 and 15 mile courses: 1½ miles
25, 30 and 50 mile courses: 2½ miles
100 mile courses: 7½ miles
12 and 24 hour courses: 25 miles
(a) In fixed distance events lengths of road may be covered up to four times.
(b) In 12 and 24 hour events:
(i) lengths of road may be covered up to 6 times prior to the finishing circuit in any one calendar day.
Notwithstanding the above, a circuit of not less than 20 miles may be used any number of times, including as a finishing circuit.
(ii) a finishing circuit of not less than 10 miles may be used after a distance of 200 miles in 12 hour events or 400 miles in 24 hour events.
In the case of Type A events the District Committee may apply to the Board for dispensation for any course that does not comply with the above. District Committees may make emergency decisions.
In the case of Type B events the District Committee shall have discretion to vary the distance between start and finish as listed above.
This Regulation does not apply to events held on closed circuits.
36. New Courses
The District Committee shall consider for approval any request for a course submitted to it by a club. Details must be submitted at least four months before its required use. The club shall accept any amendments the District Committee may require or have the right of appeal to the next ordinary meeting of the District Council whose decision shall be final.
37. Closed Circuits
Closed circuit events shall have sufficient observers to see that strict observance of the regulations is maintained on all parts of the circuit.
38. Local Regulations
To safeguard the interests of the sport, a District Committee may make Local Regulations applicable to events and courses in its area. Any breach of Local Regulations that have been approved by the Board, and appear in full on the start sheet of Type A events or have been communicated in writing to the promoter of Type B events, may result in disciplinary action.
39. Approved Watches & Timers
Type A events shall only be timed using:
(a) an electronic timer that has a quartz crystal oscillator, split timing facilities to decimal parts of a second, a digital display with a height not less than 4mm for seconds, minutes and where applicable hours (in the case of multiple displays at least one shall meet this requirement) and an initial battery life, when in full display of not less than 100 hours, or
(b) a watch (time of day chronograph) that has a movement of not less than 18 ligne, at least one independent centre second hand and at least 13 jewels in the balance, escapement and train.
(c) an Electronic Timing system as approved by the Board.
NB: When using an Electronic Timing system, an approved timekeeper and watch are recommended as a backup.
Electronic timers and watches shall have obtained a certificate from a tester approved by the the Board showing it has fulfilled the requirements of the relevant test. Electronic timers shall require re-certification only if any timing component has been disturbed, modified, changed or adjusted. Watches require either a certificate issued during the previous 12 months or a Calibration Test Certificate issued during the last 36 months traceable back to National or International standards, from a body approved by the the Board. If during its certified period, a watch should need a repair which affects its accuracy, then it must be re-certified in accordance with the test requirements laid down by the the Board.
Currently the certificate shall be traceable to the National Accreditation Service standards.
Note 1: Electronic timers should preferably have a control inhibitor on the reset and stop/start control.
Note 2: The test for watches, referred to above, at present occupies a minimum of 8 days and consists of a series of short tests of the chronograph action followed by determinations of the daily rate of the watch in the dial up, dial down and pendant up positions. The daily rate shall not exceed 15 seconds, either gaining or losing, on any of the days of the test.
Note 3: A list of approved timer testers appears elsewhere in this publication.
40. Timekeepers
The Principal (chief) Timekeeper shall liaise with any other timekeepers to synchronise watches (timers).
The Principal Timekeeper (or Assistant Timekeeper if delegated to do so) will:
(a) ensure that the competitors are started in accordance with the start sheet (excepting where a rider has reported late);
(b) identify the rider before allowing them to start.
Any perceived irregularities should be reported to the Event Secretary.
N.B. It is not the timekeepers' remit to refuse to start riders, or determine whether they are dressed correctly, entered correctly or riding a machine that conforms to Cycling Time Trials Regulations.
41. Assistant Timekeepers
Assistant timekeepers shall work under the direction of a timekeeper to:
(a) start competitors who cannot be started by the timekeeper owing to other duties;
(b) assist the timekeeper in the timing of competitors in 12 and 24 hour events;
(c) time finishers under the supervision of the timekeeper in Type A events.
42. Units of Timing & Distance
Any part of a second in timing shall be recorded for all purposes as the next whole second except in the case of hill-climbs where timing shall be to 1/ 10th of a second. In 12 hour and 24 hour events distances shall be expressed to the nearest 1/100th of a mile covered.
Notwithstanding the above, in events that use an approved means of electronic chip timing, timing shall be recorded to 1/100th of a second.
Where a finishing circuit is provided in a 12 or 24 hour event, it shall be the responsibility of the promoting club to show, on the result sheet, the mileage covered by a competitor who entered the circuit but retired from the event before their full time limit had been reached; their mileage to be taken as at their last known checking point. Where a competitor does not arrive on the finishing circuit, and for events where no finishing circuit is provided, the onus shall be on the competitor to make claim to the mileage covered.
43. Reporting Accidents
If a competitor or an event official is involved in an accident in or in the vicinity of an event which either/or:
(a) results in personal injury;
(b) involves a third party;
(c) is reported to the police
they must report the circumstances to the Event Secretary as soon as possible. The Event Secretary shall ensure that a full report is submitted to the National Secretary and the appropriate District Secretary within 14 days of the accident. The District Secretary shall notify the National Secretary of the District Committee's findings when its investigations into the accident have been concluded.
When a competitor is involved in an accident with a stationary vehicle, the appropriate District Committee MUST hold an investigation in accordance with Cycling Time Trials Rule 2(a) as a matter of urgency.
N.B. Accidents should be reported using the standard CTT form. This has been agreed with CTT's insurers and is available from either the District Secretary, National Secretary (Legal & Corporate) or can be downloaded from the CTT website. http://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/documents/index/guidance
Further guidance is given in CTT Guidance Note 18 (Reporting Accidents) which is also available from the National Secretary (Legal & Corporate) or can be downloaded from the CTT website. www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/documents/index/organisers
A DOWNLOADABLE VERSION OF 2024 REGULATIONS IS AVAILABLE ON THE CTT WEBSITE: www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/documents/index/newsletters