Robert Willcocks (Open)

Vet , (Royal Air Force Cycling Association )

CTT Number: 1650

Member since: 22 Mar 16


Upcoming Events




Personal Bests


Date Event Machine Course Distance Club Position Machine Position Result Speed
12-05-2019 Andover Wheelers (incorporating the Interservices 25 mile Champs TT)(closes 29/04/19) TT Bike P612/25 25 Miles 7 7 00:52:53 28.364 Mph
24-02-2019 Severn RC (2-up TTT)(fee per rider) TT Bike U17 12.3 Miles 1 1 00:25:05 29.422 Mph
29-09-2018 RTTC National 50 mile Championship (Leicester Forest CC) (MEN)(Cheques payable to S.Hill)(Entries close 11/09/18) TT Bike A50/13 50 Miles 30 30 1:47:07 28.007 Mph
05-08-2018 RTTC National 25 mile Championship (South DC) (Men) (120 riders max)(entries close 10/07/18) TT Bike P884C 25 Miles 48 48 00:51:05 29.364 Mph
07-07-2018 Dunstable Road CC (150 riders)(Cheques to Debbie Knott) TT Bike F11/10 10 Miles 10 10 00:19:48 30.303 Mph
01-07-2018 Oxonian CC TT Bike H25/17 25 Miles 2 2 00:51:57 28.874 Mph
24-06-2018 Bynea CC (men)(240 riders in 2 events) TT Bike R25/3H 25 Miles 14 14 00:48:36 30.864 Mph
16-06-2018 Hemel Hempstead CC (150 riders)(pref to W&J)(Entries close 02/06/18) TT Bike F11/10 10 Miles 10 10 00:18:56 31.69 Mph
27-05-2018 Royal Air Force Cycling Association (preference to military personnel) TT Bike C25/22 25 Miles 9 9 00:52:52 28.373 Mph
26-05-2018 Royal Air Force Cycling Association (preference to military personnel) TT Bike C10/10 10 Miles 11 11 00:20:55 28.685 Mph
13-05-2018 bourne wheelers TT Bike C10/10 10 Miles 6 6 00:21:22 28.081 Mph
29-04-2018 Cheltenham and County Cycling Club (WTTA Hardriders) TT Bike U75 0 Miles DNS DNS
21-04-2018 Bossard Wheelers CC (Charity Event) TT Bike F15/10 10 Miles 3 3 00:20:25 29.388 Mph
19-08-2017 didcot phoenix cycling club TT Bike H10/181 10 Miles 10 10 00:21:11 28.324 Mph
06-08-2017 rttc national championship (men)(bynea cc) (entries close 11/7/17) TT Bike R25/3H 25 Miles 110 110 00:53:29 28.046 Mph
22-07-2017 islington cc TT Bike F15/10 10 Miles 5 5 00:22:13 27.007 Mph
15-07-2017 oxonian cc TT Bike H10/17R 10 Miles 11 11 00:21:18 28.168 Mph
25-06-2017 fairly united cycling team (4-up ttt)(fee per rider) TT Bike H10/17R 10 Miles 1 1 00:20:30 29.268 Mph
21-05-2017 northover vets team (incl royal navy championship)(entries close 08/05/17) TT Bike U30/25 25 Miles 11 11 00:55:50 26.866 Mph
20-05-2017 northover vets team (incl royal navy championship)(90 riders only)(entries close 08/05/17) TT Bike U30/10 10 Miles DNS DNS
14-04-2017 high wycombe cycling club TT Bike H10/22 10 Miles 44 44 00:21:40 27.692 Mph
26-03-2017 western time trials association (wtta hardriders) TT Bike U871 31 Miles DNS DNS
29-08-2016 vc10 (150 solos + tandems) (entries close 02/08/2016) TT Bike F11/10 10 Miles 22 22 00:20:46 28.892 Mph
21-08-2016 (chq to m heritage-owen) (240 riders in 2 events) TT Bike R25/3H 25 Miles 40 40 00:53:54 27.83 Mph
21-08-2016 RTTC National Championship (Men)(south dc)(entries close 26/07/16) TT Bike P886 10 Miles DNS DNS