Lauren Higham

Senior , (Hutchinson - Brother UK )

CTT Number: 1843

Member since: 23 Mar 16


Upcoming Events




Personal Bests


Date Event Machine Course Distance Club Position Machine Position Result Speed
24-03-2019 Hemel Hempstead CC (London North Millennium 2 of 8)(90 riders) TT Bike F11/22 22 Miles 44 44 1:02:27 21.137 Mph
15-10-2017 rttc national championship (closed circuit)(juniors)(antelope rt)(entries close 04/10/17 ) TT Bike P/THRUXTON 11.8 Miles 37 37 00:29:43 23.825 Mph
09-09-2017 national youth championship final (south east midlands dc)(qualifiers only - automatically entered) TT Bike N1/10 10 Miles 75 75 00:25:43 23.331 Mph
08-07-2017 National Youth Championship (London North DC) (Under 17 On 31 August)(Championship Entry Forms Only) TT Bike F4/10X 10 Miles 4 4 00:24:52 24.129 Mph
12-03-2017 lea valley cc TT Bike E1/25B 25 Miles 61 61 1:09:58 21.439 Mph
10-09-2016 GHS FINAL (Qualifiers only - Automatically entered) TT Bike K33/10D 10 Miles 95 95 00:26:13 22.886 Mph
14-05-2016 north road cc (london north millennium 7 of 8) TT Bike F14/25 25 Miles 52 52 1:10:31 21.272 Mph