Connor |
Prior |
27/06/18 |
National Youth Championship (North East DC) (Barnesbury CC) (Under 17 on 31st August) (Championship Entry Forms Only) (Cheques to S Dyson) |
M102B |
N/A |
00:25:41 |
Nyall |
Horner |
07/04/18 |
Blaydon CC (2-up ttt)(fee per rider)(150 Riders) |
M18 |
N/A |
00:46:15 |
Jay |
Dixon |
07/04/18 |
Blaydon CC (2-up ttt)(fee per rider)(150 Riders) |
M18 |
N/A |
00:46:15 |
Freja |
Smith |
29/10/17 |
rttc national championship(gs metro) (entries close 10/10/17) |
MH11 |
N/A |
Freja |
Smith |
08/10/17 |
blaydon cc (2 stage hill climb) |
MH18 |
N/A |
Nyall |
Horner |
09/09/17 |
national youth championship final (south east midlands dc)(qualifiers only - automatically entered) |
N1/10 |
N/A |
00:25:37 |
Ollie |
Maw |
15/07/17 |
fssaa (gs metro) |
M105 |
N/A |
00:32:02 |
Claim |
Jay |
Dixon |
15/06/17 |
national youth championship (north east dc)(tyneside vagabonds cc )(under 17 on 31 august)(championship entry forms only)(cheques to r clarke) |
M105 |
N/A |
00:26:48 |
Nyall |
Horner |
15/06/17 |
national youth championship (north east dc)(tyneside vagabonds cc )(under 17 on 31 august)(championship entry forms only)(cheques to r clarke) |
M105 |
N/A |
00:28:11 |