Tickhill Velo Club (Bib Lane)

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  • Date: 11-Oct-20
  • Time: 10:00
  • Distance: 0
  • Course: OHC2
  • Closing Date: 29-Sep-20 23:59
  • Categories:
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Nichols and Wilkinson charge to victories in Tickhill Velo Club climb

  • Published: 13 Oct 20
  • Written By: Snowdon Sports
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Andy Nichols

Andy Nichols snatched victory by just a second from junior team-mate Kieran Smith in the Tickhill Velo Club hill climb on Bib Lane, while Mary Wilkinson (Yorkshire Road Club) won the women’s event.

Team Lifting Gear Products/Cycles in Motion rider Nichols clocked a winning time of one minute and nine seconds over the climb which is less than 0.5 kilometres in length.

A slight headwind greeted riders for the climb which starts at 7% before rising up sharply to around 14% and then levelling out slightly towards the top.

The main challenge riders faced was the slippery road surface on the corners and a standing start due to Covid-19 restrictions which slowed competitors away from the start-line.

Nichols, aged 30, from nearby Sheffield, also won the Withington Wheelers and Birdwell Wheelers events and was once again in first position clocking a winning time of one minute and 9.7 seconds.

Junior rider Smith won the Cycles in Motion hill climb over another short ascent but this time he had to settle for second in 1-10.8.

Mary Wilkinson

Under-23 rider Cameron Biddle (Vredestein Basso) continued his good form ahead of the National Hill Climb Championship with a third place finish a further second back in 1-11.2.

A close fought battle for second junior spot saw Lewis Smith (Calder Clarion) finish in 1-20.4 just four tenths faster than Jacob Leigh (JRC Shutt Ridley RT).

The veterans’ competition was another close one with Oliver Humphreys (National Clarion CC) finishing first in 1-16.9 just two seconds ahead of Charlie Openshaw (Islington CC) 1-18.7.

Simon Warren (Norwood Paragon CC) and Stephen Ley (London Velo Café CC) shared the third veteran prize both finishing in 1-26.5.

Wilkinson, aged 39, also won the Rossendale Road Club event on Crown Point last weekend and was a clear victor in the women’s event clocking a winning time of 1-24.9 ahead of Jo Tindley (CAMS- Tifosi) who finished second in 1-28.2.

Meanwhile, a close battle for third place saw Hannah Farran (Team Boompods) finish in 1-38.5 which was just a second quicker than under-23 rider Hannah Bayes (Liv AWOL).

Lucy Ellmore (Otley CC) was quickest junior girl in 1-42.2 while Sandra MacKay (Datalynx-Parenesis Cycling) was fastest veteran woman clocking 1-48.6.

* All reports are copyright of Cycling Time Trials/Snowdon Sports. Not to be used without permission.