Those parts of Essex, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Greater London.   Bounded by: On the north A14 FROM A10 AT MILTON TO THE A142, TO NEWMARKET, A1304, A11 TO ESSEX BOUNDARY AT STUMP CROSS, the Essex boundary with Cambridgeshire and Suffolk to the sea.  On the south the River Thames.  On the west from London Bridge the A10 to Tottenham, the A1010 to Cheshunt, the B176, A1170 to Ware, A10 to Royston, A10 TO M11 (JUNCTION 11) AND THE A1309 TO A10/A14 JUNCTION AT MILTON.

District Officials

The officials who look after this district

Keith Dorling
John Golder
Hon Secretary
Leonard Gordon
Treasurer & Asst. Hon. Secretary (Events)
Peter Smith
Asst. Hon. Secretary (Risk assessments & Courses)