Club Events
Date Name Course
Tue 03/09/2024, 18:30 Green Moor HC come & try OCHC11 Enter View
Club : Birdwell Wheelers
Sign on Location : car park at bottom of hill
Description :

Start on unclassified road, Well Hill, approx. 300 yds west of road junction and River

Don bridge at lamp post no. 11. Proceed up Well Hill and Greenmoor Rd to finish near small playground and opposite

lamp post no. 7. (Sk. 281 995), 1100 Yds

Tue 10/09/2024, 18:30 America Lane HC come & try OCHC19 Enter View
Club : Birdwell Wheelers
Sign on Location : Ar start
Description :

Start on America Lane, just off Packman Road (SK 421 993) at large ‘No Fly Tipping’ sign on left.

Proceed uphill past Hoober Hill Cottages on right hand bend to finish opposite Electricity Pole at junction with Lea

Brook Lane. (SK 413 985)