Course Code: E21/50

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Course Code: E21/50

START at manhole cover in road, 40Yds west of letter box near 'Huntsman & Hounds' PH, Green Lane Althorne. Proceed east to Asheldham,bear left onto B1021 to Tillingham and Bradwell 'Queens Head'. Turn left to Steeple and Latchingdon Church, mini roundabout. Turn left onto B1081 towards Althorne, after 1.4miles bear left into Green Lane to complete one circuit.(18miles) Repeat circuit (36.01miles). Carry on around circuit to FINISH at east end of lay-by just east of Mayland, approx 100Yds east of Mayland sign.


Pretty flat, except for one short 1:10 section, but exposed and with a few twisty bits. Three laps of single carriageway B and unclassified roads.

Course Details

London East
Course Distance Category
50 miles

Course Records

Solo Open
Alex Dowsett
02-Jun-24 | Maldon & Dist CC (SPOCO SE)
Solo Female
Lauren Kirchel
02-Jun-19 | Maldon & Dist CC (SPOCO SE)
Solo Open (Junior)
Daniel Lord
02-Jun-19 | Maldon & Dist CC (SPOCO SE)
Solo Female (Junior)
Katie-Ann Elliston
01-Jul-18 | southend whs (spoco se)