RTTC National Circuit Championship/CTT Classic Series (6 of 6)(North DC)(Border City Whs CC)(Open and Females)(Cheques To Dougi Hall)(Circuit Of Greystoke)(entries close 21/05/24)

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  • Date: 09-Jun-24
  • Time: 09:00
  • Distance: 28 Miles
  • Course: L143X2 - GREYSTOKE
  • Closing Date: 21-May-24 23:59
  • Categories:
    • All Espoir
    • All Senior
    • All Veteran

Lowden and Brewis earn National Circuit Championship titles

  • Published: 09 Jun 24
  • Written By: Snowdon Sports
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Will Lowden. Photo by Trevor James.

Will Lowden claimed victory in the National Circuit Championships for a second consecutive year, while Joanna Brewis was the quickest rider in the women’s category over a picturesque 28-mile Lake District course in an event organised by Border City Wheelers.

Cambridge University CC rider Lowden set an unmatched 1:00-30 to stave off competition from former World Tour pro Alex Dowsett (Nopinz) who clocked 1:00-50, and Michael Gill of HUUB WattShop whose time of 1.02-34 was enough to clinch third.

Pre-race Spindata favourite Josh Charlton had to settle for fourth with a time of 1:02-42.

Lowden, from Bury St Edmunds, finished the first of two 14-mile laps around the Cumbrian countryside in 29-32, ahead of Dean Newton by only twenty seconds, but the Velo Club Cumbria rider was unable to finish, leaving Dowsett as his closest competitor for the crown.

The 20-year-old won four open time trials last season and now has a third to his name this year thanks to a ride which saw him finish 20 seconds ahead of the former Movistar rider.

On his win, Lowden said: “I’m very pleased. Last year I did this course for round five of the Classic Series and to be honest my legs felt appalling on that one, so I came into it a little apprehensive because this course is quite hard.

“Going up the first climb is always difficult because you have to go eight minutes flat out right from the start, which is completely unsustainable for an hour.

“I got to the top of the first climb and was wondering how my legs were feeling but I made it to the next climb and they still had power in them. It felt like I had managed to crack the course so I was very happy. After the first lap I thought my performance was better than last year so that was good.”

In the women’s category, Brewis was crowned the fastest rider with an unmatched time of 1:15-36 despite being on a road bike, with Lauren Creamer of Velo Fixers only eleven seconds behind in 1:15-47 on a time trial machine and Rachel Brown (Brother UK - Team OnForm) claimed third place with 1:16-18.

Brewis trailed Creamer by twelve seconds at the half-way point after the 32-year-old completed the first lap in 37-12, but veteran rider Brewis managed to claw back the deficit in time to claim the top prize.

On her win, Brewis said: “I’ve only done one other race, the National Road Bike Championships where I was second, so I really didn’t know how I would do against the other women on time trial bikes.

“I was gearing out on the back section a bit as there was a tailwind too, but I tried to do what I could to push on in the first bit and keep as low as possible into the wind.

“All things considered I didn’t think I would be able to compete, so I didn’t feel too much pressure and just wanted to do the best I could.

“I had my Garmin on and my husband shouted my time at the end of lap one, so I knew I was doing OK, but there were lots of other riders behind me still to come. When I got back to the headquarters he told me he thought I was on the podium and I didn’t really believe him, so I was thrilled to win.”

Fastest road bike went to Team Enable-MI Racing rider Jack O’Neill who clocked 1:10-39, ahead of Craig Horseman (Border City Wheelers) with 1:10-51 which saw him clinch

second ahead of Kevin White (Matlock CC) who finished on the final podium spot in 1:10-55.

The veterans’ title was won by Chris Smart of GTR - Return to Life p/b Streamline in 1:04:20, enough to finish sixth overall and ahead of Marcel Schubert (Zurbaran Racing) in 1:05:52, while Philip Kennell (GS Metro) clinched third with 1:10-36.

Meanwhile, in the junior category, Davey Allanson of 360cycling came out on top in 1:11-17, a time good enough for 23rd in the overall standings.

* All reports are copyright of Cycling Time Trials/Snowdon Sports. Not to be used without permission.