West Midland Police CC (Emergency Services Championship Priority to Emergency Services Personnel)(SCCA 17 of 21)

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  • Date: 13-Jul-24
  • Time: 15:00
  • Distance: 10 Miles
  • Course: D310/3
  • Closing Date: 02-Jul-24 23:59
  • Categories:
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Wells and Wilkinson record Emergency Services 10 victories

  • Published: 14 Jul 24
  • Written By: Snowdon Sports
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Hayley Wells earned her eighth win of the season at the West Midland Police CC 10-mile time trial on Saturday afternoon, while Terry Wilkinson finished fastest in the open category.

On a course shortened to 9.6 miles, Wrekinsport CC rider Wells clocked 21-51 to finish as the fastest female rider, ahead of team-mate Deb Hutson-Lumb who set 22-33, and Sian Marsh (Team Boompods), whose time of 22-44 was enough to see her secure third place.

Wells was fresh off the back of success at the Oswestry Paragon CC 10-mile time trial only two days prior to this event, and the senior rider made back-to-back victories in the women’s category with a fine ride in Shropshire.

On her win, Wells said: “I’m pleased to have taken the win.

“Rain clouds hovered over the course but thankfully they quickly blew over. I felt good on the out leg, by mile seven my legs felt like they lost a bit of power, but quickly turned off any negativity and powered on through.

“Sadly the course had to be made shorter due to unexpected roadworks, but this would have been close to my PB!”

In the open category, Wilkinson (GTR - Return to Life p/b Streamline) topped the standings with a time of 19-37, staving off competition from Tom Clements of Poole Wheelers who set 19-55, with Tomos Hales (Wrekinsport CC) finishing third in 19-58.

For Wilkinson, this was his third win of the season after victories at Blaydon CC 18.1-mile and Derwentside CC 9.9-mile time trials in May and June respectively.

Philip Rawlinson of Croston Velo took home the prize as the fastest open competitor on a road bike with 21-46, a time good enough for 13th overall, while Sarah Inwood (Poole Wheelers) was the quickest female rider to use a road bike with 27-22.

Wilkinson finished as the fastest veteran in the field, with sole junior rider Ben Southgate of Wrekinsport CC completing the course in 22-52, securing him 26th place in the overall standings.

* All reports are copyright of Cycling Time Trials/Snowdon Sports. Not to be used without permission.




1. Terry Wilkinson (GTR - Return to Life p/b Streamline) 19-37

2. Tom Clements (Poole Wheelers) 19-55

3. Tomos Hales (Wrekinsport CC) 19-58

4. Anthony Snow (City RC Hull) 20-06

5. Simon Romei (Paramount CRT) 20-27

6. Duncan Park (North Lancashire Road Club) 20-36



1. Hayley Wells (Wrekinsport CC) 21-51

2. Deb Hutson-Lumb  (Wrekinsport CC) 22-33

3. Sian Marsh (Team Boompods) 22-44

4. Thea Osmund-Smith (Paramount CRT) 24-06

5. Cara Rawlinson (Tactic UK WRT) 24-11

6. Sarah Inwood (Poole Wheelers Cycling Club) 27-22