This event is being run on the R13/S course.
START on the B4242 Old Vale of Neath Road at the unused entrance just south-west of the new Health Centre in Glynneath. Proceed south-west on the B4242 to Resolven junction. Continue south-west on the B4242 passing through Abergarwed and Ynysarwed to the ‘Rock and Fountain’ public house. Climb hill and continue to TURN with care at the break in the dual-carriageway opposite the Groundhog factory at Ynysygerwen, SA10 8HH (6.5 miles). Descend hill and retrace route north-eastwards along the B4242 through Ynysarwed and Abergarwed. Continue north-eastwards past Resolven junction and Rheola Pond to FINISH directly opposite the start.