This event is being run on the A100/4 course.
This course consists of four 25 mile circuits. Start in main street, Etwall, 50 yards before Seven Wells roundabout. At roundabout left (1st exit) onto A516. Across one roundabout, then at 2nd roundabout right to take a50 sliproad. Proceed westwards on A50, across three roundabouts (Sudbury, Uttoxeter racecourse, Macdonalds) to take A522 sliproad. At top of sliproad right at roundabout, over A50 to roundabout where right to take sliproad to rejoin A50. (Care: the road turns back on itself). Retrace through three roundabouts to take A516 Derby West sliproad. At Willowpit roundabout turn right (end of first circuit). Repeat three more times. After fourth circuit, at Willowpit roundabout, take second exit (A516) to finish approximately 15 yards before entrance to large lay-by. Care: exiting A50 to Willowpit roundabout take care and be aware of other traffic making the same manoeuvre. There will be a marshal placed there.