Course Code: T253/1

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Course Code: T253/1

start on b1236, at manhole cover in verge, 0.3 miles west of raby lane. continue on b1236 via atley hill through scorton village (approx. 5 miles), (observe oncoming traffic at hump bridge at entrance to scorton village) to junction with b2671 (southwest of scorton village). turn left at junction onto b6271 and proceed south via bolton on swale, great langton and yafforth to turn left (with care) shortly after railway bridge onto standard way. proceed through industrial estate to t junction with a167 (approx. 15 miles). turn left onto a167 and proceed north via great smeaton and low entercommon to turn left at junction onto b1236 and turn left down raby lane (approx. 0.3 miles east of start) and proceed for approx. 0.7 miles to finish at stone gatepost just north of east cowton village. (25 mls).

Course Details

Course Distance Category
25 miles

Course Records