Course Code: GS/877

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Course Code: GS/877

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -   14.44 MILES COURSE  -  GS/877                                                               Page 1






OS   REF                  DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                  DISTANCES

407428                  START IN Ford Manor Road 2 yds short of junction with Marsh Green Road (B2028)                        0.00    0.00

                                In Dormansland


                                Proceed to junction, turn LEFT past The Plough PH and LEFT again into Plough Road.

                                Straight on along Dormans High Street and Wilderwick Road climbing Sandhawes Hill

404395                  to junction with A264 at Stonequarry                                                                                                             2.32    2.32


                                LEFT on A264 through Hammerwood and Holtye to junction with B2026 al Caulstock

476390                  crossroads                                                                                                                                                             4.75    7.06


                                LEFT into Hartfield Road B2026 and proceed through Cowden Cross and down Stick Hill

447448                  to junction with B2028 at Den Cross                                                                                                               4.33   11.39


                                LEFT along Marsh Green Road B2028 and through Marsh Green. Continue on B2028 to

407428                  FINISH opposite starting point in Ford Manor Road, Dormansland                                                         3.05   14.44



COURSE NOTES                                                                                                                                                             (CR/LSDC/0906)

District reg. revised 05/07

Course designed and measured by Steve Dennis


GENERAL NOTES  to be displayed at Signing On Point

London South District regulation: No vehicles, except those of the timekeepers and event officials, shall be parked in the

vicinity of the start and finish areas.



Details of any Additional Hazards not listed on the Start Sheet will be displayed or advised at the Signing On Point. All

Competitors must take note of these details when they sign in



Promoters should refer to the GENERIC Risk Assessment and check that all measures to reduce risk have been covered.

Should a hazard be noted that is the responsibility of the Highways Authority, please advise the London South Assistant

Secretary (COURSES)  -  see details in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should be familiar with CTT Regulations and, in particular, the Sections “Duties of Promoting Secretaries” and

“ Abandonment or Postponement of Events” as published in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should keep Signing On Sheets for one year after the event if there has been no incident in connection with th

event and for three years if there has been an incident. If Entry Forms and/or Check Cards are used these should also be

kept for the same period. If Entry Forms and/or Check Cards are used, these should be kept for the same period.



COURSE DETAILS for submission on the Police Notification Form.

The Course details given below are in a format suitable for the Police Notification Form:-


GS/877  START in Ford Manor Road, Dormansland, 2 yards short of junction with B2028 and adjacent to The Plough PH.

LEFT on B2028  and almost immediately LEFT along Plough Road. Continue along Dormans High Street and Wilderwick Road.

Climb Sandhawes Hill to junction with A264. Left along A264 to junction with B2026. Left alond B2026 and down Stick Hill to

Junction with B2028 to FINISH opposite starting point in Ford Manor Road, Dormansland






 (B form)                                                                                                                                                                (CR/LSDC/COURSE GS877)







Course Details

London South
Course Distance Category

Course Records