Course Code: GS/281

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Course Code: GS/281

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -  12 MILES COURSE  GS/281                                                                         Page 1






OS   REF     DETAILS                                                                                                                                                               DISTANCES

198542     START in Lodgebottom Road (unclassified) at Power Pole 10, approximately 250 yards                  0.00        0.00

                   South of B2033 near Headley


                   Proceed southwestwards to T junction with B2209 Mickleham to Burford Bridge Road.

211530     Turn LEFT and take next LEFT up Box Hill to junction with B2033                                                          6.4          6.4


                   Turn LEFT on B2033 and then straight on (leaving B2033) at Headley Common. Proceed

                   through Headley to junctioin with Clay Lane. LEFT into Clay Lane, which leads into Headley

178559     Road, and proceed to junction with A24 on Leatherhead by-pass                                                         3.4          9.8


                   Turn LEFT and follow A24 to Beaverbrook RBT (roundabout). LEFT 1st exit and follow B2033

                   to   FINISH at “Give Way 100 Yards” sign at Headley Common, opposite stud in road, 18 yards

204541     south of minor crossroads                                                                                                                              3.2          12.0



COURSE NOTES                                                                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/0198)


GRA revised 10/05; District Reg. revised 05/07

Course measured by Pete Swetman


GENERAL NOTES  to be displayed at Signing On Point

London South District regulation: No vehicles, except those of the timekeepers and event officials, shall be parked in the

 Vicinity of the start and finish areas.



Competitors are requested not to warm up on the course after the first competitor has started.

Details of any Additional Hazards will be displayed or advised at the Signing On Point. All Competitors must take note

of these details when they sign on.

Competitors should be reminded of the ramps and speed table in Headley Road.


GUIDANCE NOTES for Event Promoters

Promoters should refer to the GENERIC Risk Assessment and check that all measures to reduce risk have been covered.

Should a hazard be noted that is the responsibility  of the Highways Authority, please advise the  London South  Assistant

Secretary  (Courses)  -  see details in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should be familiar with CTT Regulations and, in particular, the Sections “Duties of Promoting Secretaries” and

“ Abandonment or Postponement of Events” as published in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should keep the  Signing On Sheets and  for one year after the event if there has been no incident with the event

and for three years if there has been an incident. If entry forms and/or Check Cards are used, these should also be kept for 

the same period.




COURSE DETAILS for submission on the Police Notification Form.

The Course details given below are in a format suitable for the Police Notification Form:-


GS/281 Start at Power Pole 10 in Lodgebottom Road (unclassified) 250 yards south of B2033 near Headley. Proceed

southwestwards to T junction with B2209. LEFT and take next LEFT up Box Hill to junction with B2033. LEFT on B2033 and

straight on (leaving B2033) at Headley Common., Proceed through Headley to junctoion with Clay Lane. LEFT into Clay Lane,

which leads into Headley Road, and proceed to junction with A24 on Leatherhead by-pass. LEFT on A24 to Beaverbrook RBT.

LEFT and follow B2033 to FINISH at”Give Way 100 Yards” sign at Headley Common 18 yards south of minor crossroads.


(B form) (Revised 24.05.07)                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/COURSE GS/281)

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -  12 MILES COURSE  -  GS/281                                                   Page 1




Location                                 Details of Hazards                              Risk                        Measures to Reduce Risk


1.General                               Road usage meets                                   L                          Traffic Counts

   Requirements                    CTT Traffic Standards                                                       Time restrictions on use of course



2. Area of START               Competitors waiting by                         L                          Cycle Event Warning Sign

                                                side of  road                                                                         north of Start

                                                Timekeepers and event officials

                                                vehicles only in Start area


3. START                              Competitors and/or Holder UP             L                          NAM (no additional measures)

    at PP10 250 yards           falling

    south of B2033

    near Headley


4. T junction with B2209   LEFT along B2209                                L                          NAM

     Old London Road          Traffic coming from Right


5. Junction with                    LEFT up Zig Zag Road                        L                          NAM

    Zig Zag Road


6. Ascent of Box Hill          Ramps in Zig Zag Road                        L                          NAM


7. Hadley Heath                  Minor road on Left side                         L                          NAM



8. Woodlands Park              Minor road on Left side                         L                          NAM


9. Ashurst Drive                   Minor road on Left side                         L                          NAM


10. Surrey Hills Park          Minor road on Left side                         L                          NAM


11. Junction with B2033    SHARP LEFT before grass                  M                         Cycle Event Warning Sign on

                                                triangle to join B2033                                                        B2033 east of junction

                                                Traffic coming from Right


12. Junction with Church   Straight on (leaving B2033)                 M                         Cycle Event Warning Sign on

       Lane at Headley           into Church Lane                                                                B2033 north of junction

                                                Event route has priority


13. Connecting road           Minor road on Left side                         L                          NAM

      from B2033


14. Broome Close                Minor road on Left Side                        L                          NAM


15. Slough Lane                  Minor road on Left side                          L                         NAM


16. Junction with                 LEFT into Clay Lane                            L                          NAM

      Clay Lane


17. Mini RBT                       Straight on  1st exit                                 L                          NAM

      (roundabout) at             Traffic coming from Right

      Junction with

      Lee Green Lane






(B form( (revised 24.05.07)                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/GRA for GS/281-P1)

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -  12 MILES COURSE  -  GS/281                                                                    Page 2




Location                                 Details of Hazards                              Risk                        Measures to Reduce Risk


18. Headley Court               Ramps and speed table                          L                          Reminder at Signing On Point

      Rehabilitation                by Headley Court



19. Mini RBT at                  Straight on 2nd exit                                 L                          NAM

      at  junction with             Traffic coming from Right

      The Drive


20. The Drive                        Minor road on Left side                         L                          NAM


21. T junction with A24     LEFT to join A24 southbound           M                          Cycle Event Warning Sign on

       Leatherhead by-pass   Traffic coming from Right                                                 A24 north of junction


22. Beaverbrook RBT        LEFT 1st exit to join B2033                 L                          NAM


23. Tumber Street/              Minor crossroads                                    L                          NAM

       Crabtree Lane              Event route has priority


24. FINISH                           Timekeepers and event officials          L                          Chequered Board/Flag

      at “Give Way 100         vehicles only in Finish area

      yards” sign 18 yards

      south of minor crossroads

      at Headley
















Where “NAM” (no additional measures) is listed under the heading “Measures to Reduce Risk”,  the specified hazard  is

considered to be of no greater risk to the competitors than to any other road user.



It is the duty of the club/s to ensure that all Competitors  know the course including any that are riding a private time trial,

If necessary, additional Measures to Reduce Risk may be added to this GRA such as Marshal/s or Direction Signs.














(B form) (Revised 24.05.07)                                                                                                            (CR/LSDC/GRA for GS/281-P2)









































Course Details

London South
Course Distance Category

Course Records