Course Code: G25/96

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Course Code: G25/96

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -   25 MILES COURSE  -  G25/96                                                         Page 1






OS   REF                  DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                  DISTANCES

167213                  START  on B2135 at eastern end of river bridge in lay-by 176 yards before junction with A24           0.00    0.00


165214                  Proceed west on B2135 to junction with A24                                                                                               0.10    0.10


120134                  LEFT into filter lane to join A24 south to Washington RBT (roundabout) (CHECK)                                 5.88    5.98


171124                  LEFT 1st exit and follow A283 to junction with B2135 at Steyning                                                             3.53    9.51


                                LEFT and follow B2135 through Ashurst and Partridge Green to junction with A24 at West

165214                  Grinstead                                                                                                                                                               7.03   16.54


                                LEFT into filter lane and follow A24 to Ashington Interchange where bear LEFT down slip road

133166                  to mini RBT. RIGHT 3rd exit under A24 to Billingshurst Road RBT where TURN                                       3.84   20.38


                                4th exit to retrace to Ashington Interchange. LEFT up slip road to join A24 northbound. Follow

153189                  A24 to southern entrance to Dial Post                                                                                                            2.02   22.40


                                Fork LEFT through Dial Post. Bear LEFT into Swallows Lane. Bear RIGHT in 1.3 miles to FINISH

                                at south side of gated field entrance, 43 yards south of White Hart Cottage and 337 yards

150226                  before junction with A272                                                                                                                                2.60   25.00                        




COURSE NOTES                                                                                                                                                                    (CR/LSDC/0505)

District Reg. revised 05.07

Course designed and measured by Robin Johnson



GENERAL NOTES  to be displayed at Signing On Point

London South District regulation: No vehicles, except those of the timekeepers and event officials, shall be parked in the

vicinity of the start and finish areas.




Competitors are requested not to warm up on the course after the first competitor has started.

Details of any Additional Hazards not listed on the Start Sheet will be displayed or advised at the Signing On Point. All Competitors must read  these details when they sign on.

Competitors must exercise extra care when turning LEFT on to the A24 at west Grinstead, when turning LEFT along the B2135

at Steyning and at all roundabouts.



SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS to be included on Start Sheets

To reach the Start from Dial Post Village Hall, Competitors MUST follow old A24 norhthwards to join A24. Then proceed to traffic lights at West Grinstead where a U-turn can be safely executed. Then follow A24 southbound to B2135, where LEFT to Start

Any Competitor turning directly Right across A24 dual carriageway and into B2135 will be disqualified. Competitors waiting at the Start must take care not to obstruct or endanger earlier starters passing the start.






(A form) (Revised 19.05.07)                                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/COURSE G25/96)


CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -   25 MILES COURSE  -  G25/96                                                         Page 2




Promoters should refer to the GENERIC Risk Assessment and check that all measures to reduce risk have been covered.

Promoters should also complete a SPECIFIC Risk Assessment to identify any additional risks shortly before the event, contacting The Highways Authority and briefing Competitors at the Signing On Point if necessary. On the day after the event, the Specific Risk Assessment Sheet/s must be posted to the London South Assistant Secretary (Course) – see details in CTT Handbook.

Promoters should be familiar with CTT Regulations and, in particular, the Sections “Duties of Promoting Secretaries” and

“ Abandonment or Postponement of Events” as published in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should keep  Entry Forms, Signing On Sheets and Check Cards for one year after the event if there has  been no incident in connection with the event and for three years if there has been an incident.

Details of safe routes to the Start MUST be added to the Safety Instructions on the Start Sheet.

Only the timekeeper`s vehicle may be parked in lay-by at Start




COURSE DETAILS for submission on the Police Notification Form.

The Course details given below are in a format suitable for the Police Notification Form:-


G25/96  START on B2135 at eastern end of river bridge in lay-by 176 yards before junction with A24 at West Grinstead. LEFT

and proceed southwards on A24 to Washington RBT. LEFT and follow A283 to junction with B2135. LEFT on B2135 to junction

with A24. LEFT on A24 to Ashington Interchange. Bear LEFT down slip road to mini RBT. RIGHT under A24 to TURN at Billngshurst

Road RBT. Retrace to Ashington Interchange. LEFT up slip road to join A24 northbound. Follow A24 to southern entrance to Dial

Post. LEFT through Dial Post and bear LEFT into swallows Lane. Bear RIGHT in 1.3 miles to FINISH at south side of gated field

entrance 43 yards south of White hart Cottage and 377 yards before junction with A272.




































(A form) (Revised 19.05.07)                                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/COURSE G25/96) 


















 (A form)                                                                                                                                                                                (KP/LSDC/COURSE




























































(A form)

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -   25 MILES COURSE  -  G25/96                                                         Page 1




Location                                                 Detaills of Risk                                                      Risk         Measures to Reduce Risk



1  General                                             Road usage meets                                                  L           Traffic Counts

     Requirements                                  CTT Traffic Standards                                                          Time restrictions on use of Course


2  Before START                                    Competitors riding from                                       L           Instruction/s on start sheet

                                                                Event Headquarters

                                                                Competitors warming up


3  Area of START                                   Competitors waiting by side of road                   L           Cycle Event Warning Sign on

                                                                Timekeepers and event officials                                       B2135 east and west of Start            

                                                                vehicles only in Start area                                                  Instruction on Start Sheet re

                                                                                                                                                                conduct at Start


START                                                 Competitors and/or holder Up falling                L           NAM (no additional measures)

    on B2135 at eastern end of

    river bridge in lay-by 176

    yards before junction with



5. Junction with A24                           LEFT in filter lane to join A24 southbound         L           Cycle Event Warning Sign on

    Worthing Road                                 carriageway                                                                          A24 southbound carriageway

                                                                Traffic coming from Right                                                  north of junction

                                                                                                                                                                Instruction on start Sheet


6. Rookcross Lane                                Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM


7. Honeybridge Lane/                         Minor staggered crossroads                                 L           NAM

    Worthing Road                                 Traffic can cross dual

    crossroads                                         carriageway here

                                                                Event route has priority


8. Road to Woodmans                        Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM      

    Farm, etc.


9. Ashington Interchange                   Slip road on Left leading to                                   L           NAM

                                                                Lower level RBT                                                                    (Traffic flow is light)


10. Ashington Interchange                Traffic joining A24 from Left                                L           Cycle Event Warning Sign on

                                                                                                                                                                Slip road from lower level RBT


11. Hole Street                                     Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM


12. The Hollow                                     Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM


13. Washington RBT                            LEFT 1st exit joining A283                                      L           Marshal and/or Direction

                                                                Traffic coming from Right                                                  Sign for competitors

                                                                                                                                                                Instruction on Start Sheet


14. Sandhill Lane                                 Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM


15. The Hollow                                     Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM




(A form) (Revised 19.05.07)                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/GRA for G25/96)                                                              

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -   25 MILES COURSE  -  G25/96                                                         Page 2




Location                                                 Detaills of Risk                                                      Risk         Measures to Reduce Risk


16. Water Lane/                                   Minor crossroads                                                    L           NAM

       Chanctonbury Ring                       Event route has priority    

       Road crossroads


17. Junction with Horsham                LEFT in filter lane to join B2135                           M         Marshal at junction

       Road B2135                                   Traffic from westbound side of                                        Cycle event Warning Signs on

                                                                A283 can cross here and has                                             B2135 north of junction and on

                                                                priority                                                                                   A283 east of junction

                                                                Traffic coming from Right                                                  Instruction on Start Sheet


18. Spithandle Lane                            Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM


19. School Lane                                    Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM


20. Golden Lane                                   Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM


21. Downlands                                      Minor road on Left side                                         L           NAM

For rest of GRA, too large for the space available here, request it from Robin Johnson.

Asst. Secy. (Courses + Risk Assessments), at mr_rjohnson@outlook.

Course Details

London South
Course Distance Category
25 miles

Course Records