Course Code: G25/86

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Course Code: G25/86

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -  25  MILES COURSE  -  G25/86                                                       Page 1






OS   REF                  DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                  DISTANCES

504164                  START at lay-by in Back Lane, halland, 24 yards west of Give way sign and opposite sapling              0.00    0.00

                                In hedge behind lay-by marked with red paint at eye level


501164                  Proceed westwards along Back Lane to junction with B2192                                                                     0.25    0.25


                                LEFT and follow B2192 via Shortgate and The Broyle to Kennel Corner RBT (roundabout),

458129                  Ringmer                                                                                                                                                                 3.46    3.71


                                SHARP LEFT (140 degrees) !st exit and follow B2124 eastwards through Laughton to T junction

534126                  with A22 at Golden Cross                                                                                                                                   4.85    8.60


511165                  LEFT and follow A22 via Whitesmith to The Shaw RBT                                                                                 2.97   11.57


473190                  LEFT 1st exit and continue on A22 via Halland and Golf Course RBTs to Little Horsted RBT (CHECK)  2.94   14.51


423114                  LEFT 1st exit and follow A26 to Earwig Corner, Lewis                                                                                   5.89   22.86


458129                  SHARP LEFT and follow B2192 via The Forge mini RBT to Kennel Corner RBT, Ringmer                       2.46   22.86


                                Straight on 1st exit and follow B2192 via The Broyle to FINISH at centre point of double metal

487147                  field gate opposite house called “Whitecroft”                                                                                               2.14   25.00





 COURSE NOTES                                                                                                                                                                            (CR/LSDC/0198)

Location 28 added 1006. District Reg. revised 05/07

Course measured by Charles Robson




GENERAL NOTES  to be displayed at Signing On Point

London South District regulation: No vehicles, except those of the timekeepers and event officials, shall be parked in the

vicinity of the start and finish areas.

Specific to this course please add:-

In Ringmer there is one set of pedestrian crossing lights which must be obeyed






Competitors are requested not to warm up on the course after the first competitor has started.

Details of any Additional Hazards not listed on the Start Sheet will be displayed or advised at the Signing On Point. All Competitors must read  these details when they sign on.

Competitors must exercise extra care when joining the A22 at Golden Cross, when joining the B2192 at Earwig Corner and at all roundabouts especially Kennel corner at 3.71 miles (SHARP LEFT 140 degrees)

No times to be given at the Finish







(A form) (Revised 21.05.07)                                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/COURSE G25/86)

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -  25  MILES COURSE  -  G25/86                                                       Page 2





Promoters should refer to the GENERIC Risk Assessment and check that all measures to reduce risk have been covered.

Promoters should also complete a SPECIFIC Risk Assessment to identify any additional risks shortly before the event, contacting The Highways Authority and briefing Competitors at the Signing On Point if necessary. On the day after the event, the Specific Risk Assessment Sheet/s must be posted to the London South Assistant Secretary (Course) – see details in CTT Handbook.

Promoters should be familiar with CTT Regulations and, in particular, the Sections “Duties of Promoting Secretaries” and

“ Abandonment or Postponement of Events” as published in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should keep  Entry Forms, Signing On Sheets and Check Cards for one year after the event if there has  been no incident in connection with the event and for three years if there has been an incident.

Details of safe routes to the Start and from the Finish may be added to the Safety Instructions on the Start Sheet where






COURSE DETAILS for submission on the Police Notification Form.

The Course details given below are in a format suitable for the Police Notification Form:-


G25/86  START at lay-by in Back Lane, Halland. Proceed to junction with B2192. LEFT on B2192 to Kennel Corner RBT, Ringmer. LEFT on B2124 to junction with A22 at Golden Cross. LEFT on A22 to Little Horsted RBT. LEFT on A26 to Earwig Corner, Lewis. LEFT on B2192 to Kennel Corner RBT, Ringmer. Straight on 1st exit still on B2192 to FINISH at centre of double metal field gate opposite house called “Whitecroft”.




































 (A form) (Revised 21/05.07)                                                                                                                               (CR/LSDC/Course G25/86)

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC   -    25  MILES COURSE   -   G25/86                                                                 Page 1




Location                                 Details of Hazards                                                                Risk                         Measures to Reduce Risk


1. General                             Road usage meets CTT                                           L                           Traffic Counts. Time restrictions

    Requirements                                   Traffic Standards                                                                                  on use of Course

2.Before START                    Competitors riding from Event HQ                     L                           Instruction on start sheet

                                                Competitors warming up                                                  

3.Area of START                   Competitors waiting by side of road                                   L                           Cycle Event Warning Sign  in Back Lane

                                                Timekeepers & Event Officials                                                          east and west of start

                                                Vehicles only in Start area

4.START                                  Competitors and/or Holder Up falling                               L                            NAM (no additional Measures)

At lay-by in Back Lane

24 yards west of Give

Way sign

5. Junction with B2192       LEFT to join B2192. Traffic coming                     L                            Marshal at junction. Cycle event

                                                From Right                                                                                            Warning Sign on B2192 east of


6. Shortgate lane                 Minor road 0n Left side                                        L                            NAM

7. Half Mile Drove                               Minor road on Left side                                        L                            NAM

8. Kennel Corner RBT          SHARP LEFT (140 degrees)                                   M                          Marshal at RBT

    Ringmer                             1st exit to join B2124                                                                           Cycle Event Warning Sign on

                                                Traffic coming from Right                                                                  B2192 west of RBT

                                                                                                                                                                Instruction on Start Sheet

9. Half Mile Drove                               Minor road on Left side                                        L                            NAM

10. Common Lane                               Minor road on Left side                                        L                            NAM

11. Shortgate Lane/            Minor Crossroads                                                                  L                            NAM

       Church Lane                   Event route has priority


12. Park Lane                        Minor crossroads                                                 L                             NAM

       Crossroads                     Event route has priority

13. Broomham Lane           Minor road on Left side                                      L                             NAM

14. Junction with A22         LEFT to join A22                                                   M                           Marshal at junction

                                                Traffic coming from Right                                                                  Cycle Event Warning Sign on

                                                                                                                                                                A22 east of junction

                                                                                                                                                                Instruction on Start Sheet

15. Broomham Lane           Minor crossroads                                                 L                             NAM

       Crossroads                     Event route has priority                                    

16. Park Lane                        Minor road on Left side                                      L                             NAM

17. The Shaw RBT                                LEFT 1st exit still on A22                                     L                             Marshal at RBT and/or

                                                Occasional traffic from Right                                                                            Direction Sign for Competitors

                                                                                                                                                                Instruction on Start Sheet

18. Back Lane, Halland        Minor road on Left side                                      L                             NAM

19. Halland RBT                    Straight on 2nd exit                                                              L                             Direction Sign for competitors

                                                Traffic coming from Right                                                                  Instruction on Start Sheet

20. Knowle Lane/                 Minor crossroads                                                 L                             NAM

       Sand Hill Lane                                Event route has priority



21. Entrance to drive          Similar to minor road on                                       L                           NAM

       Through                          left side

22. Road to Isfield                                Minor road on Left side                                        L                            NAM


23. Golf Course RBT             Straight on 2nd exit                                                                L                            Instruction on Start Sheet

                                                Occasional traffic from Right




(A form)(Revised 21.05.07)                                                                                                                  (CR/LSDC/GRA for G25/86-P1

CTT LONDN SOUTH DC   -  25 MILES COURSE   -   G25/86                                                                 Page 2




Location                                 Details of Hazards                                                                Risk                         Measures to Reduce Risk


24. little Horsted RBT          LEFT 1st exit to join A26                                        L                            Marshal at RBT

                                                Traffic coming from right                                                                   Instruction on Start Sheet

For rest of Generic Risk Assessment, too large for space available here, please contact

Robin Johnson, Asst. Secy. (Courses + Risk Assessments) on

Course Details

London South
Course Distance Category
25 miles

Course Records

Solo Open
Jim Cheek