start (gr 966387) on old a421, approx ½ mile north of brogborough, in lay-by, on top of hill; at a point 15½ flat kerbs south of the north end of the raised kerb stones. proceed north-east along old a421, straight on at marston rab, taking second exit to continue north-east along old a421 to:- turn (5.44 miles) at wootton rab, junction with fields road, by taking third exit to retrace south-west along old a421 to:- turn (8.2 miles) at marston rab. retrace north-east on old a421 to:- turn (10.6 miles) at wootton rab. retrace south-west on old a421; straight on at marston rab to:- finish (gr tbc) opposite a footpath sign that is on the west side of the road approximately 0.26 miles east of the finish of the 10m course which is the 2nd drain past start of armco barrier (gr972398).