E83/18 - The Vipers 18
START (GR TL 62691 02843) at Western end of Metsons Lane, at exit to footpath, 2 miles from junction with Ingatestone Road. Turn left onto Blackmore Road (Becomes Chelmsford Rd) and continue past Blackmore Pond, at Park Farm (Jessops) bear left into Ingatestone Road, left again at Wood Barns Farm through Fryerning and Mill Green to bear left onto Ingatestone Rd at Viper PH. Turn left at ‘T’ junction (Give way) to High Woods to complete the first circuit (8.16m). Continue for one more circuit and then proceed to pass Blackmore Pond and FINISH (TL 60520 01186) at field entrance hard stand 68 yards before the junction with Wenlocks Lane on right. 18.3mi/29.45km