Course Code: E1/30E

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Course Code: E1/30E

START on B1383 By grooved section of pavement just north of bus la-by immediately north of Fighting cocks PH. Proceed south to RBT at B1052, Turn and continue north on B1383 through Littlebury, Gt. Chesterford, to Stump Cross roundabout where turn right onto B184 and continue to Lit Chesterford Rbt. where TURN and retrace to Stump Cross Rbt. Turn left onto B1383 and retrace along course past start point (14.7m) to RBT at B1052, Turn and repeat circuit to Lit. Chesterford when reaching RBT at B1052 for third time, continue south on B1383 and in 200 yards FINISH at 38th milestone. 30 miles.

Course Details

London East
Course Distance Category