This update relates to CTT events in England only. It does not relate to events in Wales or Scotland.
Currently, all CTT Type B ‘club’ events are suspended up to and including 12 July 2020 and all Type A ‘open’ events are suspended up to and including 17 July 2020.
Having considered the amended government guidelines and legislation released on 04 July, the Board of Cycling Time Trials is pleased to confirm that as the situation stands at present, it is not proposed to extend that suspension of events further and that competition can resume.
Accordingly, CTT Type B ‘club’ events can be held from and including Monday 13 July 2020 and all CTT events, to include Type A ‘open’ events, can be held from and including Saturday 18 July 2020.
When holding an event, whether that be a Type B ‘club’ or Type A ‘open’ event, it is essential that the requirements as set out in the CTT COVID-19 risk assessment are followed. It is also essential that in the case of a ‘local lockdown’ due to an increase in COVID-19 infection in any particular area, that any such local lockdown is respected and adhered to. If any club or organiser is in any doubt as to whether or not an event can proceed, please contact the National Secretary (Legal & Corporate) nick.sharpe@cyclingtimetrials.org.uk
The COVID-19 risk assessment and guidance – Putting on a Cycling Time Trials Event under COVID-19 is available on the CTT website:
CTT will continue to monitor the position closely. The threat of COVID-19 and the risk of infection does still remain. If you are not well or showing signs of COVID-19 then please do not attend at any CTT event.
Please remember that we have had many events cancelled this year due to COVID-19. Also, many of the sport’s volunteers, without whom events cannot take place, are themselves in the vulnerable age categories and so will not be able to help out.
The sport needs volunteers!
If you can, and you enjoy time trialling, please offer your services for an event and help. Unless there are volunteers willing to do so, quite simply we won’t have any events for you to race in.
06 July 2020