30-Jul-18 08:12

Emily Warner was assigned a new result for the event: sotonia cc (sporting) (Road Bikes only)

0 M - timetrial
  • Time:
  • Position: DNS(A)
29-May-18 21:54

Emily Warner entered the event southdown velo

10 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 05 Jul 2018
12-Feb-18 09:10

Emily Warner entered the event sotonia cc (sporting) (Road Bikes only)

0 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 28 Jul 2018
24-Sep-17 23:54

Emily Warner was assigned a new result for the event: new forest cc

10 M - timetrial
  • Time: DNS
  • Position: DNS
14-Aug-17 22:57

Emily Warner was assigned a new result for the event: bournemouth & district women's cycling association (2-up ttt)(1 male, 1 female)(fee pwer rider)

10 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:30:20
  • Position: 25