09-Mar-20 10:56

Tim Swindin was assigned a new result for the event: City RC (Hull) (3-up TTT)(fee per rider)(Cheques to A Faichney)

25 M - timetrial
  • Time: 1:09:06
  • Position: 7
03-Mar-20 22:15

Tim Swindin entered the event Team Sportslab (Yorkshire Spoco Event)

10 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 14 Mar 2020
25-Feb-20 08:51

Tim Swindin entered the event City RC (Hull) (3-up TTT)(fee per rider)(Cheques to A Faichney)

25 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 07 Mar 2020
09-Aug-19 09:00

Tim Swindin was assigned a new result for the event: City RC (Hull)/Vive Le Velo (Cheques to G Backshall) (Series 4 of 4)(70 riders max)(automatically entered from round 1)

10 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:26:04
  • Position: 28
08-Aug-19 15:31

Tim Swindin was assigned a new result for the event: Team Swift

0 M - timetrial
  • Time: DNF
  • Position: DNF