30-Mar-16 16:24

Daniel Wolman entered the event hemel hempstead cc (150 riders) (entries close 04/06/2016)

10 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 18 Jun 2016
20-Mar-16 15:41

Daniel Wolman entered the event ecca (ecca championship - men & women)(150 solos + 30 tandems)(ECCA Clubs only)

10 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 21 May 2016
17-Mar-16 19:51

Daniel Wolman was assigned a new result for the event: Richmond Park TT 10.4 (Men)

10.4 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:33:36
  • Position: 66
17-Mar-16 19:51

Daniel Wolman was assigned a new result for the event: Richmond Park TT (Event 3)

10.4 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:30:46
  • Position: 80
17-Mar-16 19:51

Daniel Wolman was assigned a new result for the event: Richmond Park TT (Event 2)

10.4 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:30:37
  • Position: 67