01-Sep-22 14:08

Kieran Brownless was assigned a new result for the event: Zurbaran Racing (entries close 14/08/22)

0.9 M - hill climb
  • Time: 00:07:41
  • Position: 22
22-Aug-22 13:07

Kieran Brownless entered the event Bute Wheelers (2 Up TTT)(fee per rider)

20 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 17 Sep 2022
14-Aug-22 12:26

Kieran Brownless entered the event Bute Wheelers

10 M - timetrial
  • Event Date: 18 Sep 2022
14-Aug-22 12:26

Kieran Brownless entered the event Zurbaran Racing (entries close 14/08/22)

0.9 M - hill climb
  • Event Date: 21 Aug 2022
06-Jun-22 18:14

Kieran Brownless was assigned a new result for the event: VTTA (North)/Cleveland Coureurs (All Ages)(Cheques to G Russell)(Entries close 27/05/22)(Incl Road Bike Category)

10 M - timetrial
  • Time: 00:27:27
  • Position: 24