K10/10F :- Blue Boar/Fosse way/Thurlaston
K10 :- Princethorpe (B4453/A45/A423)
Blue Boar - B4453 - A45 - Fosse Way- Thurlaston
10 miles
Map references are to OS 1:50 000 "Leicester & Coventry" sheet 140
13 Mar 2011 by Steve Walker
Risk assessed
30 May 2005 by
25 Apr 2006 current status approved
Club events allowed
Open events allowed
Police authority
The mileages given apply to the open course. Club distances are 0.44 miles shorter.
The distance between start and finish of the open course is 1.527 miles and if anybody wants to run an open event on it must apply for a dispensation for rule 35.
Course K10/10F Description
Grid Ref
risk description
minimum management
SP 415 716
Start for open events

Start on the unclassified road (Frankton Lane), level with TP 7, just north of entrance to stables at Lazy Acres, approx 350yds from junction with B4453.

Cycle event in progress signs. Officials on or near road to wear high viz jackets
SP 416 712
At junction with B4453 turn left (B4453)
Left turn onto B4453, oncoming traffic has right of way but riders have good visabilty of junction.
Warning Signs to be displayed on the B4453 advising traffic as it approaches the junction.
SP 419 712
Start for club events only

Start on B4453 (Princethorpe - Rugby road) in line with 3-way manhole cover on left beyond double bend, 100 yards before first turning on right to Frankton. Proceed east on B4453.

Cycle event in progress signs.
Officials on or near road to wear high viz jackets.
SP 450 720
At junction with A45 turn left (A45 westbound slipway) Care Point #1
Sharp left turn can be hazardous in wet conditions. Long filter lane for riders to swing into and give passing traffic the right of way.
No action required
SP 416 732
At island junction with Fosse way encircle island, taking fourth exit, and retrace (A45)
Riders encircle the island to retrace. Greatest danger is traffic approaching from behind.
Warning Signs (Cyclists Turning Right) to be displayed on A45, on centre reservation and nearside verge typically at 200yds and 100yds distance before the island. Marshalls wearing High Visibility Bibs at each junction on the island. Warning signs 100yds before and opposite each of the other junctions onto the island.
SP 464 716
Just before the M45 island. Care Point #2
SP 464 715
At M45 island at Thurlaston encircle island and retrace along A45.
Greatest danger is traffic approaching from behind. Traffic flow from Thurlaston & M45 considerably lighter than Fosse Way island.
Warning Signs (Cyclists Turning Right) to be displayed on A45, on centre reservation and nearside verge typically 200yds and 100yds before island. Marshalls wearing HighVisibility Bibs at both junctions on the island. Warning signs 50yds before and opposite each of the other junctions onto the island.
SP 452 720
At junction with B4453 ("Blue Boar") turn left onto sliproad (marked A4071)to B4453, avoiding entrance to Service Station. (B4453)
Left turn onto B4453, riders have the right of way.
Marshall wearing High Visability Bib.
SP 440 714
Finish for open events.

Finish in line with large tree on the right, central to first rough layby approx 0.5 miles after lane to Draycote village and 265 metes before driveway to Tile Barn on left.

Finish sign at approach to finish and finish board by timekeeper.
Officials on or near road to wear high viz jackets.
SP 434 711
Finish for club events.

Finish in line with telegraph pole TP2 on left just before turning on left to Bourton and Frankton; 1,600 yards before start.

Finish sign at approach to finish and finish board by timekeeper.
Officials on or near road to wear high viz jackets.

Course Care Points
1 Garden Centre access & egress
Filling Station access & egress
2 Transport Cafe layby exit

ammendments for course K10/10F
07 Oct 2017 New line Inserted after line Continue E (A45)
29 Apr 2015 open_ok was set to
20 Jul 2013 Extra line added risk assesment from Blue Boar Island to Fosse Way island
11 Apr 2011 Start and finish moved for the open course
course remeasured by Steve Walker
26 Apr 2006 Approved as open course
25 Mar 2006 This was made a temportary open course Should this be made permanent?
It is to be run as an open on Sat 10th Jun 2006
05 Dec 2005 The committee approved two start points one for club only and one for open events.