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GS/491R | East Surrey Hard RidersSurrey | 24.9 miles
GS/491R East Surrey Hard Riders

Single Carriageway | Dual Carriageway | Circuit


24.9 miles

Elv Gain:


Elv Loss:

Course Description

Course: GS/491(R) - description

This event is being run on the GS/491(R) course.

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -  24.9 MILES COURSE  -  GS/491 (R)                                                              



START in Flanchford Road. Dawes Green, at eastern end of rough lay-by just beyond first 30 MPH sign and 260 yards north of junction with Tapners Road
Follow Flanchford Road eastwards via narrow river bridge to Flanchford Farm, LEFT, still
In Flanchford Road, to Trumpets Hill. Bear RIGHT and proceed over Reigate Heath to junction with A25                                                                                                      (3 miles)                                                                                                                                           

LEFT and follow A25 via Betchworth RBT (roundabout) to Deepdene RBT                                                                                                                                                    (7.6 miles)

LEFT 1st exit and follow A24 to North Holmwood RBT. Straight on via Beare Green RBT and onto Clark`s Green RBT                                                                              (15 miles)                                                                                                                                                     

LEFT 2nd exit and follow unclassified Rusper Road becoming Muggeridge’s Hill becoming Capel Road to Rusper.                                                                                     (18.3 miles)

Bear LEFT at junction with Newdigate Road.
Then proceed via Newdigate to junction with Broad Lane at Parkgate                                                                                                                                                              (22.8 miles)                                                                                                                                                          

LEFT into Broad Lane which becomes Clayhill Road and then Newdigate Road to

FINISH opposite rough lay-by on Right just before Oakleigh Garden Farm gate on Left, 220 yards past junction with Clayhill Road and 560 yards before T junction at Dawes Green   (24.9 miles)                              


COURSE NOTES                                                                                                                                                                    (CR/LSDC/0998)

Course amended to avoid going through Faygate 0903; Location 24 revised 0804; District Reg. revised 05/07

Course measured by Pete Swetman/amended section by Keith Wilkinson




GENERAL NOTES  to be displayed at Signing On Point

London South District regulation: No vehicles, except those of the timekeepers and event officials, shall be parked in the

vicinity of the start and finish areas.

Specific to this course please add:-

There are pedestrian lights just before Deepdene roundabout which must be obeyed.





Competitors are requested not to warm up on the course after the first competitor has started.

Details of any Additional Hazards will be displayed or advised at the Signing On Point. All Competitors must take note

of these details when they sign on.

Competitors must exercise extra care when crossing narrow bridge before Flanchford Farm, when joining the A25 and

negotiating all roundabouts.

No times will be given at the Finish.

After finishing, competitors must continue to the junction at Dawes green and turn Right to return to the Event HQ at

Leigh Village Hall.






(A form) (Revised 26.05.07)                                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/COURSE GS?491)

CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -  29.90 MILES COURSE  -  GS/491                                                                  Page 2




Promoters should refer to the GENERIC Risk Assessment and check that all measures to reduce risk have been covered.

Promoters should also complete a SPECIFIC Risk Assessment to identify any additional risks shortly before the event,

Contacting the Highways Authority and briefing Competitors at the Signing On Point if necessary. On the day after the event,

The Specific Risk Assessment Sheet/s must be posted to the London South Assistant Secretary (Courses & Risk Assessment)

-see details in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should be familiar with CTT Regulations and, in particular, the Sections “Duties of Promoting Secretaries” and

“ Abandonment or Postponement of Events” as published in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should keep the Entry Forms, Signing On Sheets and Check Cards for one year after the event if there has been

no incident in connection with the event and for three years if there has been an incident.





COURSE DETAILS for submission on the Police Notification Form.

The Course details given below are in a format suitable for the Police Notification Form:-


GS/491R  START in Flanchford Road 260 yards north of  junction with Tapners Road. Follow Flanchford Road over Reigate Heath

to junction with A25. LEFT along A25 to Deepdene RBT. LEFT on A24 to Clark's Green RBT. 2nd LEFT to Rusper via Newdigate and Parkgate to FINISH in Newdigate Road just before Oakleigh Garden farm gate, 560

yards before T junction at Dawes Green.






































(A form) (Revised 26.05.07)                                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/COURSE GS/491R)



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