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14 miles

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Course Description


CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -  13.58 MILES CIRCUIT COURSE  -  GS/292A                                  Page 1






OS    REF                 DETAILS                                                                                                                                                    DISTANCES

062558                  START in Hungry Hill Lane at TP7, 114 yards south of junction with Rose Lane and            0.00        0.00

                                about 0,8 miles southeast of Ripley


                                Proceed along Hungry Hill Lane and Ripley Road to East Clandon, where LEFT into

                                The Street. Follow road round a sharp right-hand bend (now New Road) to junction

062516                  with A246.                                                                                                                                            3.12        3.12


079523                  LEFT and follow A246 to West Horsley RBT (roundabout)                                                          1.15        4.27


                                LEFT 1st exit into The Street and, after 1 /4 mile , fork LEFT into Ripley Lane. Continue

                                into Rose Lane to junction with Hungry Hill Lane. LEFT into Humgry Hill  Lane to

062558                  complete first circuit at starting point.                                                                                            2.61        6.88


                                Second circuit follows same route to FINISH at south side of pair of wooden gates

064558                  194 yards before the junction of Rose Lane with Hungry Hill Lane                                           6.70        13.58






COURSE NOTES                                                                                                                                                             (CR/LSDC/0198)

District Reg. revised 05/07; Upgraded  to “A” format 05/08 (see GS/292B for club event version)

Course re-measured by Robin Johnson 07/08



GENERAL NOTES  to be displayed at Signing On Point

London South District regulation: No vehicles, except those of the timekeepers and event officials, shall be parked in the

 vicinity of the start and finish areas.




Competitors are requested not to warm up on the course after the first competitor has started.

Details of any Additional Hazards will be displayed or advised at the Signing On Point. All Competitors must take note

of these details when they sign on.

Competitors must take extra care when joining the A246, at West Horsley RBT and when passing the starting point at the end of

the first circuit. Also Competitors crossing the central line of Rose Lane prior to turning left into Hungry Hill Lane may be
















(A form) (Revised 15.09.08)                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/COURSE GS/292A)


CTT LONDON SOUTH DC  -  13.58 MILES CIRCUIT COURSE  -  GS/292A                                  Page 2




GUIDANCE NOTES for Event Promoters

Promoters should refer to the GENERIC Risk Assessment and check that all measures to reduce risk have been covered.

Promoters should also complete a SPECIFIC Risk Assessment to identify any additional risks shortly before the event,

contacting the Highways Authority and briefing Competitors at the Signing On Point if necessary. On the day after the event,

the Specific Risk Assessment Sheet/s must be posted to the London South Assistant Secretary (Courses & Risk Assessment)

-see details in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should be familiar with CTT Regulations and, in particular, the Sections “Duties of Promoting Secretaries” and

“ Abandonment or Postponement of Events” as published in the CTT Handbook.

Promoters should keep the Entry Forms, Signing On Sheets and Check Cards for one year after the event if there has been

no incident in connection with the event and for three years if there has been an incident.

Details of Safe Routes to the Start and from the Finish may be added to the Safety Instructions on the Start Sheet where

















COURSE DETAILS for submission on the Police Notification Form.

The Course details given below are in a format suitable for the Police Notification Form:-


GS/292A  START at TP7 in Hungry Hill Lane near Ripley. Proceed south along Hungry Hill Lane and Ripley Road to East Clandon.

Left into The Street and RIGHT into New Road to junction with A246. LEFT along A246 to West Horsley RBT. LEFT into The Street.

Fork LEFT into Ripley Lane. Continue into Rose Lane to junction with Hungry Hill Lane where LEFT to complete first circuit. 

Continue on second circuit to FINISH at south side of pair of wooden gates 194 yards before junction of Rose Lane with Hungry
























(A form) (Revised 15.09.08)                                                                                                              (CR/LSDC/COURSE GS/292A)





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