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M40Northumberland | 40.1 miles

Single Carriageway | Circuit


40.1 miles

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Course Description

Course Description

Allendale - Whitfield – Alston – Cowshill – Allendale (40 Miles – Mountain)

START at lamp standard 28AE beside the entrance to Denelands, just north of Allendale Town, and proceed north on the B6303 to Catton. Continue north on the B6295 and bear right on to the B6304 over Stublick Moor to the junction with the B6305 at Branchend. Turn left on to the B6305 and proceed west to junction with the A686. Turn left and proceed south west on the A686 to Alston. Turn left in Alston on to the A689, and proceed through Alston to the junction with the B6277. Turn left to continue on the A689 to the T-junction with the B6295 at Cowshill. Turn left on to the B6295 and proceed north through Allenheads to FINISH at the south side of Allendale Town at the wooden telegraph pole close to the 30mph signs (directly opposite old water trough on opposite side of the road).



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