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Central Bedfordshire | 10 miles




10 miles

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Elv Loss:


Course Description

START (GR 966387) on old A421 at layby, on top of Hill, 0.4 mile north of Brogborough. At point 15½ flat kerbs south of the north end of the raised kerb stones. Proceed north along old A421, straight on at Marston RAB, taking second exit, to:- TURN at Fields Road Wootton RAB (5.44 mls). Retrace south along old A421, straight on at Marston RAB to:- FINISH (GR 972398) approx ¾ mile after side road to Lidlington, at second drain 28yds past start of Armco barrier. The finish is between the entry gate and exit gate of Shanks landfill site, on far side of new A421 dual-carriageway. Police area(s) Bedfordshire.

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